
Thoughts on January

Hello friends, we’ve had quite a bit of snow since Christmas day. I love a white winter. (smile) Fresh fluffy snow makes me think of happy memory making. Building snow families with our daughter when she was little. It always had to be a family, not just a single snowman. Building forts and snowmen with…

dinner recipes
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What’s For Dinner and TFT

Hello friends, it’s Thursday Favorite Things day!!! Welcome to TFT (Thursday Favorite Things) the blog hop link party for blog writers and blog readers. This is the best Thursday blog hop link party in blog land (smile) . We have an amazing variety of blogs sharing every week. Please invite your friends to join us…

soup recipes and TFT bloghop

Soup Weather and TFT Party

Hello friends, welcome to TFT! It’s cooling down! The temperature is finding its way slowly downward, with an expected high this weekend of 55. I’m so excited! I made my first batch of chicken broth because when it gets cooler we get cooking and that means soup baby! This week’s surprise feature, soup! The features…

Summer LEmons and TFT
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Summer Lemons and TFT

Hello friends, welcome to TFT! The sun is shining and it’s a beautiful summer day. Okay, I know it’s not “officially” summer yet. But it’s a beautiful day just the same ( wink). You all know the saying “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade”. Well….this week’s surprise feature theme will have you making all…