winter style and TFT
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Winter Style and TFT

Hello friends, welcome to TFT! It’s time to party and share your amazing blogs. I’m so happy you are here. This week’s surprise feature is shining a light on a few of the lovely fashion bloggers who share with us each week. The features are just a few of the wonderful blogs shared every week….


The Goddess of Gratitude

Hello friends, I recently shared a blog series, “Tell Me a Story” and I know you all enjoyed getting to know the featured authors and reading their books. Today it is my pleasure to feature one more “bonus” author. The talented Goddess of Gratitude, Shilamida Kupershteyn. Shilamida is a Licensed Acupuncturist, Spiritual Guide, Healthy Living…

Blog Series

Welcome, you’ve reached the blog series page. You will find all of the blog series I have shared at Katherines Corner just a click away. Between the Lines please click HERE Tid Bit Tuesday Please click HERE Make It Monday