we have a winner
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We Have a Winner Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop

We Have a Winner Happy Thursday Favorite Things blog hop (TFT )day! Before I shine the light on a few of the wonderful blogs from last week, please join me in congratulating Emily E she won the Rise & Shine Giveaway!! Congratulations Emily! The new giveaway starts tomorrow make sure you are a subscriber and don’t…

easy chicken meatballs
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Easy Chicken Meatballs

Easy Chicken Meatballs- We eat a lot of vegetables, fish and chicken at our house. Did you know some of the simplest recipes can be made with ground chicken breast? I always use freshly ground boneless skinless chicken breast to assure a quality recipe. These easy chicken meatballs can be a wonderful substitute for recipes…

confetti chicken thursday favorite things blog hop
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Confetti Chicken Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop

Confetti Chicken and the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop- Welcome to our wonderful weekly party. Grow your blog with us and make new bloggy friends too. If you saw my live broadcast on facebook ( thank you) you know I mentioned a very simple recipe I call confetti chicken. I only snapped a quick photo…

mincemeat tarts
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Mincemeat Tarts

Mincemeat tarts- When I was young  my Mother would make  shortbread cookies shaped like candy canes, thumb print cookies filled with jam, sugar cookies sprinkled with color sugar and the popular English mincemeat tarts too. In England  we call cookies biscuits, and pies are tarts. I’ve shared several Christmas cookie recipes with you in the past and…

did you say pumpkin
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Did You Say Pumpkin

Did You Say Pumpkin- Last week it was apples and this week it’s Pumpkin! The theme for this weeks Monday Inspirations is perfect for this time of year. There were  several wonderful pumpkin related blog posts shared at the Thursday Favorite Things link party. I picked a few but please go through the list and find even more….

apple a day recipes
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Apple a Day

Apple a Day- is something we all have heard at one time or another. “An Apple A Day” keeps the doctor away. I eat fruit every day. Strawberries or blueberries in the morning and half of an apple in the afternoon. Izzy (the blog dog) often gets the other half ( wink). Do you eat…

Thursday Favorite Things link party grow your blog the fun way

Bright Light and Thursday Favorite Things link party

Bright Light and Thursday Favorite Things Link Party- I have a tendency to call people I care about darling, sweetie or bright light. It just comes out of me, almost out of my control. Would you mind if I called you sweetie or bright light? Okay it is time for the Thursday Favorite Things link party. The…