Green Garden
Green Garden It’s the first official day of summer today. Although we have been experiencing “summer like” temperatures over the past couple of weeks. Our garden has a love-…
Green Garden It’s the first official day of summer today. Although we have been experiencing “summer like” temperatures over the past couple of weeks. Our garden has a love-…
Thursday Favorite Things Blog hop tomorrow!! linking to-
I see little sprouts! Our garden is sprouting. Little bits of green stretching towards the sun as they break through the earth. Joy!!( please ignore our neighbors fence , we…
Spring has sprung. ” Spring Is Calling”, and we answered the call! Sparky turned the soil and I planted the seeds. There’s something truly wonderful about the scent of…
Peas and Rice I’m starting something new this week, ” Meatless Monday” Recipes. I will still share recipes with meat in them though. Just thought this would be fun for…