Not So Shabby Giveaway, Shabby Apple Dress Giveaway
One of my favorite places is the coast of Oregon. I love the sound of the ocean at night, watching the sea lions ride the surf on their bellies, going tide pooling just before sunset. It’s never to hot.I love it all! Many of you know that I’ve written about the Oregon coast in the past and my love of ocean views. I’ve been very fortunate to have seen many views of the oceans and the seas. In many countries in the world. It is with that theme in mind that I selected the Azure Coast dress from Shabby Apple as the prize for this giveaway. I also wanted a stye that flattered all body types, and a color that reminded me of the ocean. The Azure Coast dress, with it’s playful puff sleeves and no-nonsense shirt collar, is perfect for the office or a weekend getaway at the shore.
During the giveaway the lovely Angie at Shabby Apple is offering all of my readers a 10% off coupon towards any purchase at Shabby Apple. Shabby Apple is where you will find beautiful “women’s dresses” and “little girls dresses” too. Just use this coupon code at check out katherinescorner10off
Okay it’s time for the rules. *
contest starts today Sunday April 17th and ends Friday at midnight ( MST) May 13th. Winner will have 72 hours to respond , If no response a second drawing will occur.
For One Entry: You must be follower of Katherines Corner through GFC ( leave a comment) to enter this giveaway. You must visit Shabby Apple and leave a comment here about your favorite item.
All of the rest of these are extra chances to win!
For One Entry: tweet about the giveaway or share on facebook and leave a comment with the link ( one tweet/share per day)
For Two Entries: Like Shabby Apple on facebook and please leave a comment on their wall that you are there from Katherines Corner. You’ll get lots of special promotions and exclusive discounts from the facebook posts at shabby apple too!
For Two Entries: Like Katherines Corner ( Go Ask Katie) on facebook and please leave a comment so I know you were there.
For Two Entries: Follow Me on twitter please give me a shout out so I know you are there and then leave a comment here that you are following, along with your twitter name.
For Two Entries: post the giveaway button on your blog or website sidebar and leave a comment where I can find it. sorry the widget isn’t working so I have replaced it with an image you can copy and paste ( just add the url Or copy the red code and place it on your blog or website. Thank you
The Code: <a href=”″ target=”_blank”><img src=”” border=”0″ alt=”shabby apple dress giveaway “></a>
For Five Entries: Write a blog post featuring my blog and giveaway with a link back. Please leave a comment where I can find it.
Good luck and thank you for your friendship and participation at Katherines Corner!/CrazyItalian0/status/69738639076241408
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
giveaway ended May 13 at midnight good luck to all who entered. Winner announced n Monday the 16th. Hugs!!/CrazyItalian0/status/69345496405245953
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
I am a follower and love them all. The Garden Isle dress is very nice to pick just one. Thanks so much for the chance to win!
shared on fb:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=206511069389290&id=100001291863001!/CrazyItalian0/status/69151791706681344
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
I’m following you on Twitter @StyleDecor (Entry #2)
style decor 1 at gmail dot com
I’m following you on Twitter @StyleDecor (Entry #1)
style decor 1 at gmail dot com
I “LIKE” Go Ask Kate on Facebook!
style decor 1 at gmail dot com (Entry #2)
#2 I now follow you on twitter and left you a shout out.
I “LIKE” Go Ask Kate on Facebook!
style decor 1 at gmail dot com (Entry #1)
#1 I now follow you on twitter and left you a shout out.
I like Shabby Apple on Facebook!
style decor 1 at gmail dot com (Entry #2)
I like Shabby Apple on Facebook!
style decor 1 at gmail dot com (Entry #1)
I follow you on GFC and I love the white Tradewinds dress! Gorgeous!
style decor 1 at gmail dot com
#2 I Like Katherines Corner ( Go Ask Katie) and left you a comment on the wall.
#1 I Like Katherines Corner ( Go Ask Katie) and left you a comment on the wall.
#2 I Like Shabby Apple on facebook and left a comment on their wall that I’m there from Katherines Corner.
#1 I Like Shabby Apple on facebook and left a comment on their wall that I’m there from Katherines Corner.
I’m a new follower of Katherines Corner through GFC as nightowl.
I visited Shabby Apple and I like the Bijou dress.
twitter follower @kolpin4680
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com
twitter follower @kolpin4680
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com
love the aloha dress
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com!/CrazyItalian0/status/68634028357586944
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
I am following you! I love the dress!
shared on fb:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=119320138150292&id=100001291863001
I love the Rosso dress…Please enter me, thanks!!/CrazyItalian0/status/68349356750807040
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow GFC
They have so many pretty things. I am going to have my daughter look over the bridesmaid dresses.
like shabby apple on FB (carole c)
like go ask katie on FB (carole c) #2
like go ask katie on FB (carole c) #1
I love the Greta bag
tweeted today!/MommysMoments/status/68287236667490304
I “liked” shabby apple on fb and left a comment!
I “liked” you on FB and left a comment!
I’m a follower in google friend connect (Shirin Rose). I love the “Ahoy!” dress! I think the green will really bring out my eyes
shared on fb:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=226693730679661&id=100001291863001
Love Shabby Apple!
I’ve been looking for a dress pattern cut just like this!
Should have thought to check them out…
I also “liked” on facebook.
I follow you on twitter and gave a shout out #2
Tiffany J!/tiffanyj84/status/67990645473681410
I follow you on twitter and gave a shout out #1
Tiffany J!/tiffanyj84/status/67990645473681410
I “like” Katherines corner or facebook #2
I “like” Katherines corner or facebook #1
I like Shabby Apple on facebook and I left a message
I like Shabby Apple on facebook and I left a message
I tweeted!!/tiffanyj84/status/67989078330720256
I follow on GFC and I love the “Jacob’s Pillow” dress
I shared giveaway on facebook
I blogged about this giveaway! entry #5
I blogged about this giveaway! entry #4
I blogged about this giveaway! entry #3
I blogged about this giveaway! entry #2
I blogged about this giveaway! entry #1
tweeted 5/9!/CrazyItalian0/status/67781553681469440
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
I love the Antiquated dress.
Hi lovely lady.
I love all the Beautiful Dresses.
I did do some comments on my blog about your give-a-way
You are on my sidebar.
I do follow you also.
I hope you are having a Great Day.
Blogged about your giveaway:
Blogged about your giveaway:
Blogged about your giveaway:
Blogged about your giveaway:
Blogged about your giveaway:
and I love the Bombshell dress!
I’m a follower!
tweeted 5/8 on Mother’s Day!!!!!!/CrazyItalian0/status/67187765871259649
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
shared on fb:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=122649477815539&id=100001291863001!/CrazyItalian0/status/66875604171096064
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
tweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeted 5/6 Friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiday Wooohoo!!!!/CrazyItalian0/status/66598668232425473
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
Hi Katherine, already following you on GFC. I narrowed the selection down to two dresses, “Veni Vedi, Vici” and “Volcano at Midnight” I chose them for the colors, material, style and mood, there are beautiful clothes at the Shappy Apple! Thanks for the entry!
2 – like shabby apple on facebook.
1 – like shabby apple on facebook.
Following you via GFC. I am on love with the Canary dress for girls!!/CrazyItalian0/status/66313805071781888
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
tweeted 5/5 7:10pm
tweeted 5/4
shared on fb:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=145826152154085&id=100001291863001
im a new follower! o-m-g love the dress it would look awesome with my red hari
shared on fb:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=200376903337357&id=100001291863001
I blogged about your giveaway!! #5
I blogged about your giveaway!! #4
I blogged about your giveaway!! #3
I blogged about your giveaway!! #2
I blogged about your giveaway!! #1
I posted your giveaway button on my blog!! #2
I posted your giveaway button on my blog!! #1
I follow you on Twitter and gave you a shoutout!!!/texanromaniac #2
I follow you on Twitter and gave you a shoutout!!!/texanromaniac #1
I liked Katherines Corner ( Go Ask Katie) on Facebook as Julie S. St. Clair. #2
I liked Katherines Corner ( Go Ask Katie) on Facebook as Julie S. St. Clair. #1
I tweeted!! “I entered a giveaway!!”!/texanromaniac
I liked Shabby Apple on Facebook and left a note there (Julie S. St. Clair). #2
I liked Shabby Apple on Facebook and left a note there (Julie S. St. Clair). #1!/CrazyItalian0/status/65851455168446464
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
I really like both Ferris Wheel and Penelope and Odysseus…so pretty!! I’m a follower via GFC.
#2 I like Shabby Apple on facebook and commented on their wall that you sent me.
#1 I like Shabby Apple on facebook and commented on their wall that you sent me.
I’m a follower of Katherines Corner. I love the Da Vinci dress from Shabby Apple.
For Two Entries: Follow Me on twitter please give me a shout out so I know you are there and then leave a comment here that you are following, along with your twitter name.
Entry 2
@TheRedheadRiter and I do follow @GoAskKatie. Two more days until #FF!! Woohoo!!
For Two Entries: Follow Me on twitter please give me a shout out so I know you are there and then leave a comment here that you are following, along with your twitter name.
Entry 1
@TheRedheadRiter and I do follow @GoAskKatie. Two more days until #FF!! Woohoo!!
For Two Entries: Like Katherines Corner ( Go Ask Katie) on facebook and please leave a comment so I know you were there.
Entry 2
For Two Entries: Like Katherines Corner ( Go Ask Katie) on facebook and please leave a comment so I know you were there.
Entry 1
For One Entry: tweet about the giveaway or share on facebook and leave a comment with the link ( one tweet/share per day)
For Two Entries: Like Shabby Apple on facebook and please leave a comment on their wall that you are there from Katherines Corner. You’ll get lots of special promotions and exclusive discounts from the facebook posts at shabby apple too!
Entry 2
I did! I did!
For Two Entries: Like Shabby Apple on facebook and please leave a comment on their wall that you are there from Katherines Corner. You’ll get lots of special promotions and exclusive discounts from the facebook posts at shabby apple too!
Entry 1
I did! I did!
For One Entry: You must be follower of Katherines Corner through GFC ( leave a comment) to enter this giveaway.
I became your follower a lo-o-o-o-o-o-ong time ago!!!
You must visit Shabby Apple and leave a comment here about your favorite item.
First, I love that the lady wearing the apron is redheaded. LOL Oh, you said which item….I love the “Liz and Darcy” best. Soooooo elegant and simple.
shared this giveaway on fb:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=163796093682180&id=100001291863001
I follow you on twitter! @MommysMoments
I like you on facebook
I am a GFC follower (kkfoster35) and I love the PIAZZA NAVONA dress
I like shally apple on facebook and wrote on their wall.
I follow katherines corner now. And I just used your coupon code
My fav dress is piña colada. Although I just got one I thought more appropriate for derby and I LOVE the one you are giving away!!!!/CrazyItalian0/status/65445810304860160
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
Darling Dress! Count me in too please~Cheers Kim
shared on fb:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=199560060086470&id=100001291863001!/CrazyItalian0/status/65102427464015872
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
You have yourself a hopping blog here!! I am so glad I found you, I am a new follower!! Throw my name in the hat I would love to win this great giveaway
What a wonderful giveaway! I love the dress you’ve chosen. I’m a follower and stopped by Shabby Apple to admire the full selection of dresses. “Cider” is another one of my faves!
I absolutely love your blue azure coast dress giveaways, and hope I could win it
Please include me to your giveaway list candidate, I have done some of your direction :
1. I visit Shabby apple and leave a comment on one lovely apron collection.
2. I’ve follow your twitter, actually long ago
3. I live ask Kat corner on facebook too under Indie Crea
4. Tried to hang the grab button, but the picture doesn’t show up
Sounds I have good sign …
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
Following you on Twitter
Liked Shabby Apple on FB
Liked Katherine’s corner on FB
Loved their things so much, Katie that I bought one!! Also love the “Anchor’s Away, Maple, Cockeyed Optimist, and Ming” dresses. So pretty! Thanks for the discount!
shared on fb:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=151701028228275&id=100001291863001!/CrazyItalian0/status/64484190229508097
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
ALICE’S ADVENTURE maternity dress.
I love their dresses!
I am a new follower here and on Twitter. I will tweet about the giveaway as soon as I finish this comment…and I love the dress called Kenya under the classics section on the site….it looks so flattering and I can visualize doing a lot with it. I am off to an event today…but will feature Shabby Apple on my front page this week with the contest!! I loved all of the dresses!
I follow in gfc as Chris and I like the Yorkshire dress
Following you via GFC!
2.I follow you on Twitter (@Ladytink_534)
I follow you on Twitter (@Ladytink_534)
2.I LIKE you on FB~ Jennifer L.
I LIKE you on FB~ Jennifer L.
2.I LIKE them on FB~ Jennifer L.
I LIKE them on FB~ Jennifer L.
My favorite item is the Syncopation dress. follower
shared on fb:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=200550919984355&id=100001291863001!/CrazyItalian0/status/64108348051693570
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
shared on fb:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=168771519847275&id=100001291863001
I follow your blog via GFC and my fave is the Ferris Wheel Dress. Thanks.
daily tweet 04.27:!/pdxoregonmom/status/63496340092624896
taylortasha at msn dot com
I am a gfc follower!!! Love their stuff- cider dress is adorable
Posted on my blog #2
Posted on my blog #1
shared on fb:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=126922180717084&id=100001291863001
I also “Like” Shabby Apple on Facebook : )
Follower via GFC! I absolutely adore the Primavera dress – the style and colors are divine! : )
I “like: Shabby Apple On Facebook #2
I already “like” Shabby Apple on Facebook!
I follow via gfc!
I like the glacier dress
Following and love sooo many things on their site. one of my faves is the boudin swim suit. cute!
I like Shabby Apple on fb! (#2) (and, of course, told them you sent me!)
I like Shabby Apple on fb! (#1)
I love the primavera dress! I am a new GFC follower
Comment #2 for following you on FB
I follow all yourFB pages
as Carmen A
Posted on the Shabby wall…tagged ya too!
already like Shabby on FB as Carmen A.
I LOVE this one
I follow!
I follow you on FB ^^)
Hi! I follow you happily ^^)
i follow katie on fb (2)
christy yanuzo mitchell
i follow katie on fb (1)
christy yanuzo mitchell
shabby apple fb fan (michelle b) #2
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
shabby apple fb fan (michelle barrett)#1
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
fb fan(michelle b)#2
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
fb fan (michelle b)#1
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
gfc follower and like the atlantic fog dress
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
shared on fb:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=203836829656551&id=100001291863001
I am a new follower and I love the oh la la dress from Shabby Apple!/CrazyItalian0/status/62643164250513408
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow you on twitter.
I tweeted your giveaway!/couponsmakcents/status/62467075280613377
I liked you on Facebook.
I fanned Shabby Apple on Facebook and left a comment.
The Anne and Andy is definitely my favorite! I am a GFC fan too.!/CrazyItalian0/status/62110328468684800
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
I posted your giveaway button on my sidebar.
I already follow you on GFC and I love the kids Canary dress on The Shabby Apple site!!/CrazyItalian0/status/61821062379352065
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
shared on fb:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=115407558542295&id=100001291863001
I’m a new follower and LOVE Shabby Apple a million times over! As far as favorite dress? Probably the Bonheur. Beautiful.
Sorry my phone freaked out in the middle of my last comment!! I lied ask Katie on facebook…but the comment says I liked…sorry!!
I liked
I follow ask katie on facebook.
I like shabby apple on facebook
I follow shabby apple on facebook.
I love the berkshires collection, all of them!! They are something I normally wouldn’t think of!! And I’m a follower;)
I just liked you on facebook too:-)
Wow! How to choose a favorite dress! They all look amazing. I am following you now.
Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog and for informing me about this giveaway.
I’m a new follower – thanks for visiting my blog & following. AND thanks for the heads up on your giveaway. I’m in LOVE with the shabby apple swim collection. It all looks like something I could wear to the pool with the kids this summerand wouldn’t be too revealing!! I esp love the penguin island halter and the pomodoro set!! toooo cute!!
shared on fb:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=218109394866786&id=100001291863001
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
I like you on Facebook “Crave to Save”
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
I like you on Facebook “Crave to Save”
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow you on twitter @crazyitalian0
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow you on twitter @crazyitalian0
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
If I had to choose just one, my fave would be the beauty mark dress!
Thanks so much for the chance!!
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow you publicly on GFC “Crave to Save”
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
Following you on twitter (pdxoregonmom) and left you a shout out. Or at least I tried too! Can’t quite figure out how to do that!
comment 2 of 2
Following you on twitter (pdxoregonmom) and left you a shout out. Or at least I tried too! Can’t quite figure out how to do that!
comment 1 of 2
Following you on twitter (pdxoregonmom) and tweeted:!/pdxoregonmom/status/60933209629798400
Liked you on Facebook (tasha j robinson) and left a comment on your wall.
comment 2 of 2
Liked you on Facebook (tasha j robinson) and left a comment on your wall.
comment 1 of 2
2nd comment for liking Shabby Apple.
Already a fan of Shabby Apple on Facebook. Did leave a comment on their wall and here’s the link:
Already a fan of Shabby Apple on Facebook. Did leave a comment on their wall and here’s the link:
Hi! I follow you on GFC (tasha robinson). And if I had to just pick one dress, today it would be the Espina Bonita. Tomorrow I’d probably change my mind to something else!
i follow you on twitter! (@floresdelsol)
christinarmoreno(at) gmail(dot) com
i follow you on twitter! (@floresdelsol)
christinarmoreno(at) gmail(dot) com (for the above comment too!)
i follow you and love the aloha dress!
i follow shabby apple on fb and left comment (2)
christy yanuzo mitchell
i follow shabby apple on fb and left comment (1)
christy yanuzo mitchell
i love the gondola dress
I follow on gfc
I blogged about your giveaway here: …..
I blogged about your giveaway here: ….
I blogged about your giveaway here: ..
I blogged about your giveaway here: .
I blogged about your giveaway here:
I posted your button on my blog (right side bar)
put your button on my blog:
I follow you on twitter as mallen08 and sent you this tweet:!/mallen08/status/60690291346243584 !
I follow you on twitter as mallen08 and sent you this tweet:!/mallen08/status/60690291346243584
I like your fb page and left a comment as maurine a!
I like your fb page and left a comment as maurine a.
I like shabby apple on fb and left a comment that you sent me.
I like shabby apple on fb as maurine a. and left a comment that you sent me!
shared on fb:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=118591831555058&id=100001291863001
I am a gfc follower and would LOVE to win the “Cider” dress.
I have just been to their site and really they have so many beautiful clothes and jewelery it is hard to decide a favorite. I especially like all of the South Pacific dresses.
Thanks for a great giveaway!
Thanks for letting me know. I would love to win this giveaway. Following you now:)
I love the Bon Voyage dress. It is beautiful! So glad I stumbled upon your blog, and that you introduced me to Shabby Apple!
I follow you on twitter.
I “like” Go Ask Katie on facebbok
I already “like” Shabby Apple on facebook.
I love the Versailles dress. I’ve had my eye on it forever.
I tweeted about the giveaway with a link
I liked it on facebook and said I was from Katherine’s Corner.
I liked you on facebook and commented.
I am following you on Twitter.
my favorite dress is from the Roman Holiday collection: Gondola.
I’m a follower
I follow on GFC.
The dress is adorable, Katherine. I don’t do all those requirement things ‘cuz life is just too crazy for me right now, but if all the other contestants happen to just drop off……
I like the APHRODITE dress :).
Like on Facebook 2
Like on face book
Liked the Cock-eyed optimist dress…too cute!
I follow your blog and I love the North Shore dress. The color is so beautiful.
heey i’m here from the friday stalk hop
..i think u have an amazing blog and i’m definitely goin to try 2 keep up with u lol. Hooope u follow back :)..xoxo
I’m stopping by from the blog hop. You have such cute giveaways- I wish I had a girl, but I have two boys…
Congrats on getting 1500 followers.
Hope you’ll stop by.
The sound of the ocean is so calming. I love it, too!
Following you on Twitter #2
Following you on Twitter #1
Following you on Facebook and left comment #2
Following you on Facebook and left comment #1
“Liked” Shabby Apple on Facebook #2
Forgot to say I left them a comment saying you had sent me!
“Liked” Shabby Apple on Facebook #1
Forgot to say I left them a comment that you had sent me!
I am an earring freak and they have a pair called Josie that I would love to have!
I am following you thru GFC
I follow you on twitter! @elephantstrunk4
I “like” Katherine’s Corner” on Facebook!
I am a follower and I love all of the dresses in the central park collection!!/WynnieBee/status/59631374948253696
WynnieBee is now following @GoAskKatie on Twitter : D
Faithful follower of Katherine’s Corner by way of GFC.
Also visited Shabby Apple and found this beautiful dress called the
Bonheur. Love it!
What a pretty dress! Too bad I’m not a U.S. resident and can’t join. Thanks for following me on GFC. I’m following back!