thursday blog hop

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  1. Thanks so much for having me Katherine! I’m late to join in again but am glad I made-better late than never!

    Take care and happy weekend!

    Best wishes,

  2. It has been a long time since I have joined your party! I am here today and loved the blog Dobermans by the sea and went and followed her! 🙂 Have a lovely thursday!

  3. Hey Katie, it looks like we’ve both got gardening on the brain this week. I posted about my uncle-in-laws garden that was featured in a magazine.
    Thanks for the hop!

  4. Thanks for hosting, Katherine!
    I shared a post about how to avoid being infected with spam. It happened to my site, and I want to share some tips so that others can help avoid being hacked. Super important stuff, so even though it isn’t a recipe, I thought it was something others bloggers should know.

  5. Hi lovely lady.
    Thanks so much for hosting your linky party today so sweet of you, hope you have a wonderful week with your family.
    XXOO Diane

  6. Hi and Happy Thursday! I promoted the hop in the Ruby community and on my FB page . . . . . will continue to encourage our members and followers to join us ;o) Also, I’m grabbing your new button for the mlt blog as well as the Ruby blog. Feel free to promote and upload on the community page, too! Love and hugs, N

  7. Thanks so much to you and Simone for having me!!

    2012 Artist Series featuring the gifted Decorative Painter Theresa Cheek

    Art by Karena

Love each other as God loves you xo

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