2014 A New Year and Time Management
2014 A New Year and Time Management I love a good plan! Ask my hubby he will testify Let me tell you I have one already set up…
2014 A New Year and Time Management I love a good plan! Ask my hubby he will testify Let me tell you I have one already set up…
Pumpkin Creamcheese Cake I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas celebration. I am still recovering, giggle. I have packed away all of the holiday decor and I am ready for…
Merry Christmas from Katherines Corner As we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior we rejoice in all that is good, kind and loving. I am blessed to…
How to Seed a Pomegranate Blog Post 1000 Today is my 1000th blog post! I am rather excited by the great magnitude of that number. It is a big bowl…
Our Christmas Home Tour I was reading in the living room and enjoying the twinkle of the Christmas tree lights when it occurred to me that I should take some…
It’s Time For Thursday Favorite Things This weeks favorite thing ….socks! I know you are probably thinking,of all of the things I could have shared, why socks? I love wearing…
Cookies for Santa Leaving cookies for Santa is a tradition that started as a result of an old Scandinavian Mythology. A story about a hunter named Odin and his hunting…
Party Starters Appetizer Dips Sauces The countdown to Christmas has begun and one of the many joys of the seasons entertaining is surely the food! We almost always start with…