thursday favorite things linky party

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  1. Good morning and Merry Christmas! Just now getting a few minutes to hop around and visit some of the participants this week. Will sneak away from the family festivities later today and throughout the week to pay a few more visits. Looking forward to getting connected again after Christmas here at the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop. Call me if you have time in the midst of the holiday flurry of activity! Much love and BIG hugs my friend ;o)

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  3. Hi Katherine
    I think seeing everyone so busy with their holiday projects and gorgeous looking tree that it’s time for a rest I’ve taken you to my favourite beach this week to chill!
    Have a wonderful Christmas and thank you for hosting this year. I’ve enjoyed visiting. I don’t have bright socks but I do have lots of pairs of odd socks!

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  5. I love your cute sox…and I have a drawer full of bright, too. 🙂
    I hope you have a wonderful and blessed Christmas.
    Thanks so much for being such a loyal host….

  6. Your socks are beautiful Katie! Guess what?! You have just reminded me to search for my long socks that I wear when it gets on the rather chilly side. You would be amazed at what this tropical lady calls chilly!:) Thanks for hosting and continue to enjoy the holiday season.

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  8. Oh yes I LOVE my socks and like them colorful, warm and soft.
    I have a tip for those night sweats…eat something or a lot of things orange, sweet potatoes, carrots, oranges etc. It worked like magic for me.
    Have a very Merry and Blessed Christmas!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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