Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 79

It’s Time For Thursday Favorite Things ♥
I’m happy to have Loressa from Lifes Curious Wisdom as my co host this week
Please share the hop with your readers and please let me know if you would like to co-host. I love to have a co-host every week.
I do my best to visit all of you. But if I miss you please forgive me and I hope you understand. Please know how much I enjoy hosting this party for you and having you share all of your wonderful posts. Please be sure to leave me a comment if you are a new follower so I can be sure to follow you back
Thursday favorite things is where you can link your favorite post or write a post about your favorite things and share it with old and new followers. You gain visibility for your blog and make bloggy friends too!
Here are the rules, yes there are rules. But just a few:
- Follow Katherines Corner preferably through Email it’s on my sidebar (or facebook, google plus or twitter) And today’s co-host Loressa
- Visit as many blogs in the list as you can.
- Share the hop on your blog with a linkback to Katherines Corner ( or grab the button from the button page)
- Contact Me if you would like to be a co-host in the future!
- Please leave a comment when you visit a blog on the list.
- Sorry No adult content blogs
Now hop on and share your favorites. If you’d like to post this blog hop on your page please just grab the linky code.
If you would like hop reminders and you do not already receive them please just click where it says to subscribe to reminders below.
Subscribe to Thursday Favorite Things Reminders
Oh, Katherine I’m a day late in joining in…you LIFE has it’s priorities! But I’m sad to read that you have the “bug”…I’ve heard it’s really horrible this year so please get lots of rest!!!…:)JP
Thanks for hosting the fun party!
I would love to have you over to my site on Saturdays for my linky party!
Have a great week!
Thanks for the party! I’m a little late linking up today. Hope you’re having a nice night. This week’s Homemaking Linkup is up and I would love to have you join, if you haven’t already.
Mrs. Sarah Coller
Thanks for putting some fun into Thursday!
All linked up!
Thanks so much for hosting a wonderful party!
Thanks for hosting! I shared some info about meal planning
Thanks for the great party, and for all the work that goes into hosting it!
look at all the lovely Easter inspiration this week! Can’t wait to go peek
This week is flying by a little fast, but I’m glad that tomorrow is Friday. Lots to do this weekend!
What a fabulous blog hop. I have linked-up this week.
I am already following you on G+ and FB. Swing by and follow back so we can keep in touch! I would also love if you would participate in our meme, runs every Wed/Thursday Post your questions on Thursday Two Questions Meme
Thanks for hosting hon!
Hi Katie!
Thank you so much for hosting this lovely hop! Have a blessed weekend!
So happy it is Thursday and your blog hop is happening! thanks for sharing the co-host!
XO Chelsea
Wow, I can’t believe it’s Thursday – I thought it was Friday!!! Thanks for hosting another week, do you have to have a minimum of followers to be a co-host? Have a fantabulous weekend and thanks for “liking” me on FB.
Thanks for hosting & God bless!
Thank you for hosting and letting me share my Crochet Roses with you! There are so many fabulous links here! So much fun! Have a great Thursday! I followed you on Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook!
Good morning everyone! Happy hopping.
I just stopped in from the linky tools site! I can’t wait to spend more time on your site! I am hosting a party tomorrow on my site! I if you get a chance, stop by and link up!
Hi Katherine. thanks for hosting. Following you by google plus (we were already connected on twitter). Have a great Thursday.
Thanks for another fabulous link up!
Good morning Katherine! thanks for hosting and have a great Thursday!
Thank you for hosting this fun hop! So much interesting information.
Thanks for hosting.
Thanks for hosting Katherine & have a great St. Patrick’s Day!!
Thanks for hosting! Have a lovely weekend!
Happy Thursday Katherine!!
Thanks for hosting this fabulous party!!
Thanks for hosting a fun party my friend! I can spend all day here! Hugs!
Always a pleasure Katherine
Have a wonderful day sweet friend!
Wonderful! Thank you again for hosting and I hope you have a terrific Thursday.
Thanks again for the party Katie, have a super blessed Thursday!
Hi. Thank you for hosting.
Thanks for hosting, Katie. You’re the best!
Thanks for hosting Katie! Have a good Thursday.
Thanks once again for hosting another great party! Always a pleasure to join in!
xoxo Nancy
Thanks so much for hosting!!
This is always such a fun group of topics!! Thanks for hosting…have a wonderful remainder to your week, Katie!!
Thank you, my dear Katherine.
Looks like some of us are going green this week and on Sunday. A great Thursday to you Katherine and thanks once again for hosting.
joining in the hop this week! thanks ladies!
THANKS for hosting! Awesome projects linked up today!
I’m excited to share my “free” lamp as one of my favorite things. I enjoy your blog and look forward to seeing other links. Take Care and have a good week.
Thanks so much for hosting! Just linked up!! =)
Have a great week!!
Thanks for hosting!!!! Sending cyber hugs!!!
Thanks so much for hosting! Have a lovely week.
Hi, Katie, Thanks for the party!! Have a good week! Linda
I get so much inspiration from your blog and blog hop. Thank you so much! Aloha, Lori
Thanks for hosting! Hope you have a great week.
Katherine, I always enjoy joining your party, thanks, Lalura
Hi Katherine,
Thanks for hosting! Have a lovely weekend
Long time – no see…
Oh my word…I was looking at your King Crab post before I made this comment…succulent!!!!! Thanks for the party this week.
Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend.
Have a wonderful weekend! Hope you find some sun
Thank you so much for hosting!! Enjoy the rest of your week.
Hi Katie!
Hope your week has been Extraordinary!!
Thanks a ton Katherine and happily all linked up!! Happy almost Thursday