thursday favorite things blog hop 213

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  1. Pingback: Deviled Chicken
  2. Happy Birthday Katherine!

    Thank you very much for an awesome linkup and for your sweet message last week. I will be following your nice blog, too. BTW, I am a tea drinker, too.

    Take care and have a great birthday weekend! <3 Ada.

  3. Pingback: A Little Walk Around the Bend
  4. Wow..your flowers are beautiful. Thank you for the link-up party. I run into my office everytime I get a few free moments and go thru some of the blogs. So many creative people & talented cooks.

  5. Katie, will continue to keep Debi in my prayers. Thanks to you and the ladies for hosting and happy Thursday!

  6. Katherine, thanks for hosting the blog Hop. Continue prayers for Debi. What a wonderful bouquet of flowers. Really enjoying all the Thanksgiving recipes and projects geared towards the big day. Have a great weekend.



  7. Please let Debi know prayers are with her. I LOVE the flowers and can almost smell them with your amazing picture, it really is beautiful. Thank you for another welcoming party. Carrie, A Mother’s Shadow

  8. Thanks for such a fun link party! Found some awesome projects that I want to do this weekend, now I just need to find more TIME this weekend 🙂

  9. Aw, love your gorgeous bouquet and I truly love any pink flowers though. Happy Birthday once again and so glad to see you had a wonderful celebration. Thanks again for hosting and wishing you a great rest of the week now, too!! 🙂 xoxo

Love each other as God loves you xo

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