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  1. oh….I remember those days….just yesterday I bought new crayons for my daughter…she's not in school yet….:)

    thanks for dropping by….take care!

  2. Somehow, I lost my train of though when you brought up the Monkeys. LOL! As a result, the smell of crayons wasn't the main focus for me. Plus, I don't have a sense of smell but laughed at getting a visual of you smelling the crayons while causing the child to wonder. 🙂

  3. I love this post! Back to school was always such a happy time in my memory and smelling the new crayons in the box is a huge part of that!

  4. Sunday blessings katie, I think I was born with a crayon in my hands. I use to love a new box of crayon's and tried very hard not to break them. I loved the big box's of crayons with the built in crayon sharpners that I bought my children.When they where all broken up, I would mix the broken color pieces and melt them in muffin tins in the oven and make super cool round crayons for the kids. I always enjoyed getting new school supplies as a kid. They have cool stuff now day's…I would have been in seventh heaven.:)

  5. There is just so much promise in those new boxes of crayons and other school supplies!! I love that you can start out fresh each year–I miss that with being grown-up and working. Sigh.

  6. i LOVE the smell of new crayons. I instantly think about childhood and outline the pictures on the pages of my coloring books and then coloring in lighter than the drawn outline. It's time for us to go get the supplies for our first year of all 4 kids attending school. Hmm.

  7. I still love to color and have crayons in my home at all times. Do we ever get too old to color, I don't think I will. I enjoyed this post. I loved the times I would sit with my children around the dining room table and color pictures. Hugs

  8. I absolutely love the smell of books! Every time I buy a book I stick my nose in front of it and flip through all the pages. Books smell good!

    I understand your love for the sweet smell of crayons.

  9. I was smelling my daughters kindergarten room today, it was filled with the aroma of construction paper, glue, and fresh crayons. That is my heaven.

  10. Smelling the crayons, I get that. For some reason I always get drawn into the school supplies each year and I haven't had to buy any for over 11 years now!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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