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  1. Pingback: DIY Wine Bottle Stoppers | The Adored Home
  2. Thanks for your comment on my blog about the giveaway. Unfortunately you were too late, but I'm hosting several more giveaways with bigger prizes as we get closer to the holidays. Stay tuned!

  3. Beautiful idea!

    I am a new follower from Making Friends Monday! Hope you will stop by my review and giveaway blog, "in my opinion…" and follow me as well. Here's the link:

    I do have several blogs, but this on is the one I am looking for followers for. Thanks sooo much and have a blessed day! 🙂

  4. What a great post my dear. Terrific idea. Makes me want to be ultra creative for the holidays. Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. A while back I was trying to get this look by searching for actual bottle stoppers. I never even thought of this option, what a great idea. Thanks for sharing! ~Lili

  6. Hi, Katie. These are lovely, I may try creating these as one of my first artistic projects in the house. I am passing by, following you back, and leaving my footprints on your page. I look forward to getting to know you through your blog.

  7. Hi Katie, thanks so much for your wonderful comment on my boxes–I love making these!!
    P.S. Love this idea with the bottle stoppers!

  8. Hello Katherine…
    I am so happy to have found you and your delightful blog!
    I love the stopper idea with beautiful drawer pulls…how original and unique!

  9. I LOVE this idea!! I even have a bottle collection in my kitchen that I think is going to now get a makeover. =) Thanks for the follow, and I am now following you, too!

  10. Such a beautiful idea. I can always come across drawer pulls when I am out and about at flea markets. Now to find such cool looking bottles!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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