my Christmas shoes poem

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  1. I'm with Rebecca. I don't have nor need a lot of shoes. As long as the shoes I have are comfortable, I'm content.

  2. I am now following you from the Friday bog hop! I'd love to have you visit me at!
    Have a great weekend 🙂

  3. Oh how i love you and this post! here's to pretty shoes for all us ladies and that 1000 member:) xoxo

    i know…i can follow under my twitter account too! 🙂 i'm on it! muahhh

  4. Hello Katherine! Thank you for visiting my blog and becoming a follower — I am now following you as well! Love the Christmas shoes post!! Anne

  5. Great poem. I love donating at Christmas mostly, but through the year is also fofilling. Have a great day dear friend. Love the shoe picture, are those yours?

  6. How clever of you to write such a perfect and fun poem that results in generous giving to charity. Love it…

  7. haha…oh, that is a cute poem! I just tried on a pair of red shoes the other day…need to go back and get them!

  8. I'm really not all that into shoes, Just give me a pair that fits and doesn't hurt my feet……

    BUT, last night I had a dream that Ann Taylor sent me a single left shoe. Said I could try it out and if I liked it I could buy it along with its match for just $40,000!

    Well, I ended up wearing this shoe (my normal tennis shoe on the other foot)to the train store and took a trip on the train and I ended up getting soot on the shoe from Ann Taylor and I was worried about giving it back. I was thinking they would make me buy it.

    Crazy dream

  9. I love it and what a great message! I also love the pic. I have a thing for red patent leather but i only own one pair of them not four. Lol

Love each other as God loves you xo

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