thursday blog hop

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  1. Pingback: in the garden
  2. Pingback: in the garden «
  3. Hi, Katherine. I came across your blog, while looking for blogs with lake cottage living in them. My hubs and I just bought a cottage on a lake. I can’t wait to move in! I like your blog hop and linked onto your most recent hop, here! I am following you. Check out my blog and follow me if you find it interesting! I also am checking out your list of blogs (wow! so many!).

  4. Pingback: in the garden «
  5. Hi Katherine thanks for letting me co-host today. Have cuppa in hand and off to blog before work and then back for more after that. Have a lovely day.

  6. Katherine thank you so much for having me!! So many creative bloggers here!!

    I hope you will stop by and see my new Annie Sloan Projects Revealed!!
    Art by Karena

Love each other as God loves you xo

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