Christmas mantel

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  1. I love the color combinations and the mantel is so beautiful. You are a gifted lady Katherine. Thank you for sharing your talents with us. Echo

  2. So beautiful, Katherine. Lovely like you. Have a Merry Christmas and all the best to your family in the new year. I have yet to do much in decorations. The lights are on the trees outside and a cedar wreath is on the front door. The other decorations will go up next week. It seems we put them up earlier and earlier every year. I remember as a kid, one Christmas, when Dad forgot to bring home a tree and had to go out and get one after the yard where they sold them was closed, Mom and I stayed up half the night decorating. It was Christmas Eve. That was so much fun. One of my most memorable Christmases.

    1. Thank you, I think so too. I didn’t have one for a long time. Then when we built the house and decided on a fireplace I was very excited about how to decorate it for the holidays. That was 8 years ago and I get just as excited every year. Hugs

  3. Hi Katherine! Cainan (9) and I are here visiting and checking out your gorgeous Christmas mantel! We saw your photo on FB and Cainan said he thought you probably had your stockings hanging so we came over to see! Looks gorgeous—have a lovely weekend!

    Sarah & Cainan

  4. Hi Katy., I’m like you and just love decorating the house for Christmas! I love your mantel and particularly those golden reindeer. I have always wanted a mantelpiece at this time of the year, and this year I’ve got one for the first time! It looks lovely and I am so pleased with it. Ho! Ho! Ho!

    1. Sorry, I needed to piggyback my comment onto Thisisme’s in order to submit.

      Your “home for the holidays” is beautiful, Katie. Every picture would work well as a greeting card. I’m glad you remembered to hang a stocking for Izzy. As you might know, my dog Toto died this year at the age of 14. I miss her every day, especially during the holidays.

      Merry Christmas and happy new year, Katie!

  5. That’s so pretty!! I love mantles & seeing them decorated :)) Very lovely. I usually start with my front door & hang the wreath and other bits around the door and then I begin inside, but it always starts with my door 🙂 This looks wonderful. Happy Christmas doll, I hope you have a great weekend Xxx

  6. Hi Katherine,
    this is just breath takingly beautiful and must have taken you hours. It makes me feel guilty that I have not started decorating yet, but am so busy doing orders, that I just do not get a chance.
    Maybe I should go on Christmas break, but I must get the orders out first.
    Thank you for visiting my blog and for the follow.
    I hope that you have a fantastic day.
    Love and best wishes.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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