soft sugar cookies

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  1. We love those pecan mounds and make them every year at Christmas! We call them "Russian Tea Cakes" and I've heard them called a lot of different names such as "Snowballs" "Pecan Crispies," etc. I've never toasted the pecans before baking, maybe I'll try that next time!

    Nice blog!


  2. thank yo Katie for coming to the tea, adding your creastive input, and so on. Oh, and bringing those divine cookies. Yumm. My guests did enjoy them so! 🙂

  3. Hi Katherine! Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog! I snuck a peek at yours. The cookies look delicious, and I absolutely adored your poem about your Christmas shoes 🙂

  4. Hello Katherine….!

    ahhhhhhh….My FAVE foodgroup….SWEETS…. :o) !!

    Both of these look SERIOUSLY yummy….!

    THANK YOU for popping by to help celebrate our 100th posts….I've popped your entries in the tub for the drawer….GOOD LUCK….!

    Cheers from Oz,
    Tamarah :o)

  5. What an interesting blog you have, glad I found you, next thing I am going to do after blogging is – to bake these yummilicious sugar cookies, thanks for sharing!

  6. Oh my goodness… these look so awesome. Thank you for sharing! now I'm hungry… better go have breakfast before cookies. ;o)

  7. My hubby loves soft sugar cookies but I never make them that way cuz I like crunchy! I'm bookmarking this – maybe I'll surprise him! 😉

    I'm already following you but stopping by through the Boost My Blog Friday Blog Hop! I hope you'll do the same! You can find & follow me @

    Sofia's Ideas

  8. I might have to post some of my favorite cookie recipes. I love cookies and home made cookies fresh out of the oven with an ice cold glass of milk…heaven

  9. Oh, these look delicious! I had no idea it was National Cookie Day. I better get to work!


    PS. I love your blog's holiday decorations!

  10. Those cookies look so good!
    Hi Katherine! This is Deborah from {thewhitechair} and I am glad you stopped by. To enter the little teacup giveaway simply scroll down to where there's a picture and instructions for the topic for a comment! Hope you have a good day!

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