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  1. Hi Katherine!
    I LOVE this idea, thank you! I love the music on your blog…just my kind of music! =)

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting! *smile*

  2. Love these! I have a few jars like that, & haven't been able to figure out what to do with them! I'll have to try this!

  3. These are lovely. I'm not a gardener though I do appreciate plants. This could make winter look vibrant, which has to be a good thing. Thanks for the tips.

    CJ xx

  4. Oh, boy!!! I've always wanted to do this!!! Thanks for the step-by-step!!! You're TERRIFIC!!!!! Love you, my friend!!! And just wanted to stop by to say that!!! ~Janine xo

  5. What a great idea! I need a little flower in my life these days with it being so dreary outside. That said, my African violets are blooming now and are very happy to be inside with me. 🙂

  6. Oh how I crave spring…and it' still only January! But these lovely "gardens under glass" remind me of the new birth which WILL arrive! And until then, what a fresh, welcome dose of springtime indoors! Thanks for this beautiful post!xo

  7. Wow, this is awesome. I love the whimsical look these add to a room. I am all about glass vases and bowls, so adding a plant would be really pretty. Maybe this is something I can keep alive!

    xo M

  8. Thanks for the great tutorial. I have never done this before, so I may have to give it a try. It is certainly beautiful!

  9. Thanks for the info Katherine…It has been very helpful seeing that I am a plant killer.. 🙁

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such sweet words…

    Take care,

  10. I've got an empty apothecary jar that will be perfect for this, thanks for the suggestion and info!

  11. My FOLLOW button should be along the top bar of the screen. there is the Blogger Search Bar, then it says "FOLLOW……SHARE…..REPORT…."

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  12. Those are AWESOME!! I want to try those! (if I can find an awesome glass jar like those)

    Stopping by from Sunny Saturday Hop.

    you have a lovely blog.

  13. What a beautiful idea….just love it!!! Even though here in Florida, everything is still green,this idea is just a bit of early Springtime, besides being very pretty! Great idea!


  14. Oh wow, I really want to try this. AND I have a gift card for Home Goods! Today may be the day. Thanks for sharing this great idea. 🙂

  15. That is such a nice project for this time of year. At church growing up we always made craft projects and at least once a year we would make a terrarium. I don't think I've had once since but yours is lovely!

  16. I love these. Gorgeous! I'm going to try it. Thanks for stopping by earlier. I'm so glad you did because it led me to your beautiful corner of the world.

  17. That is one great idea to add life to the deadness of winter. Makes me want to head to the store & start shopping. Thanks & have a marvelous weekend.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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