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  1. Hope your family continues to be safe. I have friends that live there. They are safe as well.
    Peace….Naila Moon

  2. So glad your sister and family are OK, Katie! Such a worry. You are right about the Red Cross and prayers. They both do a world of good. Sending hugs…D

  3. Prayers for all who are suffering in the midst of this unprecedented tragedy. The Red Cross is an amazing support group for all. Blessings…

  4. Beautiful photo and I know that Japan is in all our prayers at the moment. Goodness knows how long it is going to take for them to get over this. Terrible situation. So glad your dear sister is safe.

  5. I just read the amount of donations through the Red Cross have been substantial the past few days, which is good news!

  6. So glad your relations are safe, I can't begin to comprehend what people have gone through.


  7. I see good looks runs in your family. That is good advice on being safe when donating. No one here can begin to comprehend how bad it is over there. I am so glad your relatives are safe.

  8. I heard the Red Cross was great – have to be careful of the smaller ones though. Thanks. sandie

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