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  1. Katherine, this is a beautiful tribute. I’m sure your birthdays are bittersweet. Although time helps somewhat, I know we will never stop missing them. May you hold these precious memories close to your heart always!

  2. Lovely post for Fathers Day, and a great photo of the two of you together. How very sad that he passed away on your birthday. I loved that photo of him taken in 1947 (the year I was born!). Hope you’re having a lovely weekend.

  3. A very nice post to honor your Dad.
    I am sorry for your lost.
    I see that I am not alone with not having pictures of me with my dad. I can’t think why I don’t. I should correct that.


  4. These words and pictures reveal that your father was a handsome man, that he had an interesting life, and that he loved you very much. I’m sorry to know that your birthday will always be spoiled by painful memories of his loss. My father died on Christmas day and, incredibly, so did his father before him! Thank you for this special post, Katie!

  5. Awe Katherine…I’m so sorry that you lost your Dad. I definitely know how you must feel. Lovely photos! Like you, I don’t have many of my Dad and I together. They may be gone from this earth, but they do linger in our hearts, always. ~Hugs, M

Love each other as God loves you xo

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