bib necklace craft

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  1. Pingback: Sponsor Spotlight-Katherines Corner
  2. I love your necklace. You are very creative. I’m so glad you stopped by me, because now I’ve found you. I am your newest follower.

    Have a great week


  3. Oh my, I just love vintage bling!!
    Come on over to my blog as I am having a Southern Belle Giveaway!!

  4. Oh, Katherine! I LOVE the vintage jewelry thing! Was at a hop last evening and almost spent money on a remix necklace that I am totally capable of making myself with the scads of stuff I have all over my place here – just not organized! There’s a goal for this year! My writing and teaching eats up so much crafting time. Love your ideas – thanks for the inspirations. We’ll be following together! Blessings!
    Miss Kathy

  5. Vintage inspired fashions are all the rage right now, and I love it. The vintage jewelry is so pretty, and I know you will do some fabulous stuff with it.

    Collage artists have been inspiring me lately, so we’ll see what I can create once I buy some materials.

  6. Hi Katherine~
    I love the idea of using up pieces of vintage jewelry….the necklace is lovely! I have seen this concept done on picture frames and mirrors, too…they look beautiful! Let your imagination run away with it!
    Thanks so much for stopping by…hope you enjoy your “camping” adventures!
    Have a most FABulous Friday!
    ;-D Kathleen

  7. Sending you an invite to come and link up to my weekend hop open Thursday night through Sunday at 11:59pm on my blog I hope you have a great weekend!

    If you do link up please leave me a comment and I will com back again and say thanks and double check that I am following you (google likes to shoot out my blogs daily, argh! Sometimes it takes 2-3 times to show me as following!) Not loving google right now!

  8. This is a beautiful idea! I love what you made. Thank you so much for stopping by and following. I’m following you back. 🙂


  9. Hi Katherine,

    You certainly are a creative person. I love the necklace and am very partial to vintage. I found you via follow Friday over 40 blog hop and am happy I did. Your blog is awesome. My youngest son is photographer and studied in the UK last summer.

    Following your blog. Will see you again I’m sure!

    Have a great weekend

  10. Very pretty statement pieces! I love the glam & color combinations! Visiting & following from Thrifty Thursday’s blog hop.

  11. Love the idea of the vintage! Lots of pretty jewelry here.
    I was inspired to try a new recipe I saw on a blog recently. The lemon cake was so beautiful, I sent for recipe and tried it out. Turned out beautiful and everyone loves the taste! Love cooking and baking, trying new recipes for my family and neighbors.
    Also, I found a new look for my kitchen while I was going through blogs I follow. I can’t wait to get home from vacation and start redecorating!

  12. Very pretty things! I found a pretty little bracelet at a garage sale last week for a quarter that I need to find some little pearls and rhinestones to add to. 😉

  13. That is beautiful! My son is about to involve me in a craft project for his girlfriend. I’m just keeping my fingers crossed, all goes well! I’m so out of practice.

  14. I’m all about not letting your ‘loved’ things not go to waste. In fact, my etsy shop got it’s name because of it. “Wuglyees-Where nothing is wasted. Not even the ugly!” 🙂 {Wuglyees means ‘warm-ugly-but easy to love’} :-)) Just like you and your mom’s jewelry pieces, huh?! But mine is with yarn!

  15. The vintage jewellery all looks divine, and is very popular again right now. I agree with Connie that you are very talented to be able to create the things that you do. I am very envious!

  16. How did I miss you have a shop? OMG! Well, I definitely will have to go check that out. I love vintage! We actually hopped all over town for our wedding to look for vintage accessories.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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