Dear Katie, Green Bananas
Dear Katie, Is it okay to eat green bananas? Thanks Liam
Dear Liam, sure it’s okay. Green bananas have the same nutrients as yellow bananas. They are rich in potassium, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and fiber too. Green bananas have a bit less sugar because the starch hasn’t broken down yet. Yellow bananas are sweeter because the starch has broken down into sugar. I find green bananas a bit hard to pallet, and they are tougher. But, there’s no reason why you can’t eat them, enjoy. Thank you for your question. Katherine ( aka Katie)
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Very interesting, thanks!
I didnt know it was ok to eat green bananas!
But i too like to wait for the sweetness
I prefer to wait for the sweetness!
ooo…didnt know green banana can be eaten. Over here we fried the green bannana. Not healthy but….. :p