shabby chic wreath diy

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  1. I don’t have the patience to make beautiful things I have found and it never turns out the way I want it to. Your wreath is beautiful!

    I came by through your hop!

  2. Hello Dear Friend . . . . thinking of you today and praying for your time away from us. Please feel free to call me whenever you have time and feel up to it. I’m going to feature this craft project, and some of your recipes in the October issue of Ruby – I know you always say that it is OK but I just want to let you know and tell you how much I appreciate your generosity in sharing your wonderful ideas with our readers. You are truly a treasure, and your friendship is a gift that I am so grateful for. Please let me know how you are doing as soon as you can. Big Hugs, N

  3. Welcome to your first Pink Saturday, Katherine. I am so glad you joined us, and I hope you will continue.

    Your wreath is so pretty. I love the pattern in the fabric you used, and it looks just perfect.

  4. Hi Katherine,

    I love the rosette. My mom always kept buttons, especially fancy or unique patterns. She would even remove them from old clothes before discarding them. Buttons are always renewable!

    I think I figured out the Triberr thing too. sent you a dm on twitter 🙂

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Cute project!!!
    I’m enjoying getting to meet other bloggers via Stalk Remix All Weekend Blog Hop. I followed you on FB and GFC. Please visit me too if you have time, thanks!

  6. Thanks for posting this tutorial on your pretty wreath with all the info and photos. The finished wreath is perfect and the rose with the gem is especially pretty.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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