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  1. Hi!! I am hopping by from the Thursday’s Friends Cafe. I am your newest GFC Follower. I hope that you can stop by and follow me too. You have a great site!! Keep up the great work. Thanks, Erin
    Also, Deb’s Dealz and I host a daily blog hop and we are running a month long boo hop. Come on over and link up!!

  2. I just love pumpkins or as we said as kids, ‘punkins’. I love the pie better though!
    Hope you are enjoying a lovely Wednesday.

  3. I love pumpkin photos…not Jack o Laterns…but Pumpkins. We have a shortage this year because of our drought…so sad. I usually buy one or two real ones after Halloween, but this year, they may not be around. I like this photo!

  4. I love pumpkins — their colour, their sizes, the recipys. Nice shot for Wordless Wednesday.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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