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  1. Pingback: Zucchini Souffle
  2. Thanks for sharing this quick and nutricious breakfast idea with us Katherine. I will certainly be trying it. (Can’t believe that you are up at 4 a.m. Gosh, what a busy bee you are!).

  3. How wonderful … eggs are a great quick breakfast and a terrific source of protein!

    If I’m really in a hurry, I’ll grab a granola bar or some fruit but more times than not … I have time to make breakfast.

    Great post!

  4. So easy Katie and I promise to try it very soon. This will be our second day here at the beach and after last night I am surprised to still be here & not blown away. The wind was so strong last night that it shook the house and howled so loud going around the corner of the house near the bedroom that it freaked Rocky out. Really it was that loud. It is still moving the house this morning and it is finally getting light enough to see outside so hopefully it will calm down today . Hope your weekend will be perfect in every way.
    Huge Hugs,

  5. Hi! Dear Katherine.
    My hubby would love this and I’ll try your recipe for him.
    Haha, I don’t care cheese. Almost all the foreigners will surprise it p;)
    Much Love, my friend, Orchid*

  6. Hope you are enjoying the new job….love this quick way to get some good nutrition QUICK! This is great, cos I am always skipping breakfast to get right to emails and phone calls. 🙁 I know it’s not good for me, but hey, when your commute is going downstairs, and your customers are already calling, what’s a girl to do?! LOL Thanks for this tip; I’m going to try it!

  7. Most days, I have to force myself to eat breakfast. The truth is, I really love to have something sweet for breakfast, but your idea looks fast and tasty!

  8. Hi! I am visting your blog from Follow Friday Over 40. You have a very nice blog. Great post about cooking eggs. Thanks for sharing. I make mine like that a lot. I’m back to my blog after a hiatus and have planned some fun things to share. =) I hope you can stop by sometime
    Have a great day!

  9. Hi Katherine,
    What a nice and quick breakfast, will try it out for sure. Could be a change from the boiled egg I have every morning. Have a lovely Friday!

  10. Hi Katherine,
    This sounds great. I love anything with cheese in it. For a quick breakfast I have also had eggs cooked in various ways. Sausages, ham slices etc. also come in handy. I am off to see what is in store for my birthday today. I only wish Janine was here with me but I am keeping the faith. Take care and have a wonderful weekend. Thanks again for making me co-host of your Blog Hop yesterday.

  11. This is something my husband does quite a bit before he goes to work too! I’m not a traditional breakfast eater usually. I would just as soon have a slice of ham and a salad for breakfast, as I would cereal or an egg. Strange woman here! ^_^

Love each other as God loves you xo

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