Fall Back
Did you remember to set your clocks back an hour? Do you have daylight savings time where you are?
I hope you enjoyed your extra hour of sleep. I know I did.
Wishing you a peaceful Sunday
Only four days left to enter the Forgotten Holiday Giveaway!
With all the goings on in our home, I am sad to say I totally forgot about it. Was just a bit confused for a while Saturday morning…then I remembered…it was my ah-ha moment for the day. ~Hugs
I find myself wishing that they would split the difference and move it half an hour, and then leave it alone! LOL Hope you had a pleasant Sunday!
I hate when we have a time change! I know it’s only a hour, but it always throws me off for at least a week! Drives me nuts! LOL
P.S. Thanks for linking up to the Getting to Know You Blog Hop!
We got an extra hour of sleep last night – awesome! However, it sure got dark early tonight. I guess you have to trade one for the other.
I’m still looking for that hour I was supposed to have gained! LOL Actually, I stay up later, but for some reason never sleep in longer…so I’m not sure I gain anything.
For some reason, I feel more awake in the spring when we spring forward???
Ours was last weekend here in Europe (Germany). I love the extra hour. Thanks for linking up to Welcome to Weekend Blog Hop. Followoing you.
That extra hour of sleep was wonderful. Have a great Sunday!
Hi Katherine, yes,my clocks all “fell” back and I enjoyed an extra hour of sleep. Not even my birds woke me up today! Have a great week ahead. xo
I was so confused when I woke up at barely 7 and felt rested this morning until I figured it out hahah!
I hope you have a peaceful Sunday as well!
I think I would have enjoyed that extra hour, if I didn’t have my son’s dogs for the weekend. I hope to make up for it, after he picks them up!
Since we are on vacation it really didn’t matter that much even though I did turn my watch back. Rocky & I just got back from the beach as the high winds have calmed down and it is cool but not too bad. We saw all we wanted to see in just few minutes as there is nothing interesting about most of NC’s beaches. There is not even (1) shell to be seen, only white foam being blown across the sand. Give me the mountains any time. Always something gorgeous to see wherever you look. Have a blessed sunday my sweet friend.
Huge Hugs,
Hi Katherine,
I see that you are enjoying your extra hour!:) Many years ago Jamaica used to have Daylight Savings Time but they stopped it. I doubt we will ever have it again but one never knows. Take care and have a great Sunday and week. Lots of Love and best wishes.
I turned my clocks back, Katie, but I didn’t get any extra sleep. I actually got less. Knowing that I was “gaining” an hour, I stayed up two hours later than usual last night and therefore got less sleep than I normally do. I can’t wait till we spring ahead next year so that I can go to bed extra early and get a good night’s sleep! (LOL) Happy Sunday, Katie!
Dear Katherine,
We don’t have daylight savings time here in Japan.
I am not sure but I’ve heard that there are companies adopted that system for working hours.
Love and Lots of Hugs to you, Orchid*
Our clocks went back last weekend here in England Katherine, so we have had the dark evenings for a week now! I don’t mind really. Sometimes it’s nice and cosy. Enjoy the rest of your weekend my friend.
Hi Katherine,
We set our clocks back last weekend here in Ireland. It’s nice to gain that extra hour
Enjoy your Sunday my friend. Hugs x
We set the clocks backs last weekend in the UK, always throws me out of my routine! Happy weekend!
We have “sprung” forward and are loving the extra hour of sunshine
Have a wonderful Autumn