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  1. I haven’t tried to make cookies like this in years. They are associated with many happy childhood memories. Now my oldest daughter does the baking, and I am oh-so-happy to let her. I’ll be asking her to make these. Thank you so much for sharing the recipe and making me remember!

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog…I am also visiting, and now, following your blog…hopefully, you will follow back!
    Your thumbprint cookies bring back a lot of fond memories of Christmas past, when my children were little. Must bookmark to print out the recipe! So perfect, and absolutely, yummy!
    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Oh what fun indeed! I don’t recall ever making cookies or cooking with mom as a child growing up…but these certainly do look worth trying! Thank you so much for sharing! Big hugs to you my friend!

  4. The only cookies made in my house as a child were Butter Balls and one time my mother made Spritze cookies with a cookie shooter she had gotten.
    My mother and grandmother were pie and cake makers mostly.

  5. Oh I LOVE thumbprint cookies… Our daughters love making them…They enjoy using the recipe from the American Girls Samantha cookbook… In there they call them Jam Tart cookies…. Your picture is Lovely

  6. Yummy! Are your already baking or do you wait until closer to Christmas.
    I think my sister bakes early and freezes them but I’ve never tried doing that.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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