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  1. Amen, Sister! 🙂 You must imagine this said in a southern drawl – I am from SC, you know! Seriously, a wonderful quote, and I was reading in John’s gospel this morning, so this was so timely. I do indeed see miracles in everyday life; perhaps they are not as dramatic as the man beside the pool of water, or the man lowered through the roof to Jesus, but they are miracles, none the less, and I am so grateful when I see His hand in my life!

  2. Katherine, I too waited for the sunrise this morning with my devotions spread before me. I love your quote. I wish I could share it with my sister who is currently having a crises with her faith. She no longer believes in God or miracles, where as I see them everywhere, everyday. Thank you for sharing and enriching our day.

  3. I love that quote too and I find miracles in everything!
    Thank you for visiting my blog and for your nice comment Katie 😉
    Hugs Annika

  4. Like Odie, I love sunsets and sunrises. They are simply magical. Lovely words there by Albert Einstein. Hope you’re having a lovely weekend my friend.

  5. Absolutely, Katie! Fortunately I have remained childlike in many ways. I’m filled with wonder, curiosity and glee and I’m thankful for each new day. (And I hate to go to bed at night.) Happy Sunday to you, dear friend!

  6. Hello there Katie!
    This a breathtaking view and a wonderful quote to see on this Sunday morning in Jamaica. Really lovely! I have already added my name to your Blog List. Take good care and have a great week.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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