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  1. I came over from Cottage and Creek as I love Lynn and read your sweet comment to her.

    Thank you for offering a chance at three giveaways.

    I love all things tea and delight in the NOEL giveaway as my husband’s first language is French. If I should win the body products please redraw a name as someone much younger than moi would appreciate it more.

    I am a new follower…..
    With gratitude,
    ~Sylvia Faye

  2. Tweeted the give away at MyBookofStories

    Don’t know if I am a new or old follower on Google+. Still new to it – so new. Haven’t found GFC but still looking.

  3. I am a follower of Katherines Corner through Google Friend Connect, email, google+, facebook, and twitter:) GREAT giveaway…my fav is the noel sign, set of Santa salt and pepper shakers with the snowflake covered tea towel.

  4. hi there my friend! i am now following you on twitter! signed up to feedburner! liked you on facebook! put your button for the giveaway on my side bar! am following you…i think i’ve got it : ) LOL!!! thanks so much and sending holiday hugs!

  5. Kathryn, Oh yes, sign me up for your generously, fun give-away! I thought I had come over but couldn’t find me in the list of comments. Anyway…. Thanks for saying you liked all my trees, I have 4 more to show. Will have them up for a post by next week. My, where DID this month go? LOL Merry, Merry! hugs,Sue

    1. OMG- Can’t believe I spelled your name differently! My girlfriend spells it w/a “Y” so I did it automatically! Please excuse me! ~Sue

  6. what cute little gifts sets. I signed up for you email updates 🙂
    I like the Pamper one, what girl doesn’t need pampering or the Tea set is cute too. thanks for such a sweet giveaway 🙂

  7. I get a kick out of those faces beside our comments? How does this work? When I don’t have a blog button O get this one for your site? How many more sleeps till the draw?

  8. Wow, you are so sweet to let your Aussie friends join in-Thank you so much! Please count me in!

    Best wishes,

  9. You have the most amazing giveaways. Perhaps I might win – I’ve never won anything, but I always try. By the way, I love your music when I come to your blog!!

  10. i ‘m a follower and had no idea of the changes afoot re:GFC, so i shall subscribe to your email – thanks for the heads up and this delightful giveaway:)

  11. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving your lovely comment. I also am 100% behind the shopping locally and at small businesses. This is a great thing to start promoting 🙂
    Have a wonderful night. I am adding you back on linked in now.

  12. This is comment #2, cos I posted your giveaway button on the left hand sidebar of my blog! Thanks for the chance to win one of these sweet packages of goodies!

  13. Oh, what a wonderful giveaway….I love, love Yardley soaps (all of ’em! LOL) and I’m a tea fiend, according to my family! I follow you on GFC as Snoodles!

  14. Ok now this is my kind of giveaway whoot whoot! love the soap one I use it all the time and then I am a total tea addict… then the shakers are so adorable! I will tweet you already a follower on both! Thanks for the opportunity… love this one!

  15. Hi Katherine, I am playing catch up after the olive harvest! There was certainly lots to read and enjoy .There is always so much going on here, but I guess that is why you have so many followers, it must be a full time job running it.

    Guess what I have started a separate blog to share more of my photography, I hope you will be interested.

  16. I love all those three giveaways, especially the Noel letters! I am a Follower of your Blog and would love to be entered. I also follow your facebook page. Good luck everyone and thanks to Katherine for organizing this wonderful Christmas giveaway. x

Love each other as God loves you xo

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