simple candle decor

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  1. Wow Katie! Your decorations are absolutely beautiful. This year I will decorate but not on a large scale. I have a little ornamental tree that I got as a gift from Australia. My Santas and some other decorations will also be used. Take care and have a wonderful holiday season.

  2. What a beautiful home you have and how lovely your decorations for the Season are! Thank you for this peek into your holiday decorating. Big hugs…

  3. Oh, I don’t post photos of it all–there is holiday stuff everywhere in this house! It’s crazy. And it makes me crabby to put it all up and take it all down. Your house looks great though. The tree is really pretty!

  4. Thanks for letting us see your lovely home and the beautiful decorations…I’m not good at decorating….I’d have flunked out of an interior design course, for sure! But I love putting my vintage treasures out each Christmas! Hugs to you!

  5. Your home looks very pretty and cozy. I like your Christmas angels because I have several and just love how pretty they look. I would be delighted if you added your gingerbread house to my Gingerbread Linky Party. It continues until Dec. 12th so hurry if you are interested. There is also a giveaway.
    Hope to see you.———- Shannon

  6. Oh, so beautiful Katherine! Your home looks so warm and cozy! I can’t wait until we have our own home in a few years… so we can decorate more during all holidays and seasons!

  7. Your decorations are so calming — peaceful and beautiful! Hope you get a little bit of rest at some point…life can be all consuming now can’t it! sending hugs and wishes for the best holiday season ever! hugs…

Love each other as God loves you xo

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