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  1. I too had a quiet, but wonderful holiday. It is hard to believe Christmas has come and now is gone, and another year is about to begin. Blessings to you, Katherine, today and all through the New Year.

  2. We had a tense one at my Step-daughters – stayed two days and came home with two of the grandkids in tow. My kids are in other states, so not always able to spend holidays with them. As for gifts, hubby and I decided a couple of years ago to use our gift money to help friends who are struggling financially. We don’t really need more “stuff” anyway.
    Looking forward to a NEW year!
    Hugs, GraceinAZ

  3. What a shame about the photos. Yours are always so amazing, I’ll bet you were disappointed. Perhaps you could have a do-over and have everyone re-enact Christmas Eve. I wouldn’t do it, but you could!

  4. sounds like a nice Christmas to me! I love it when it is just us on Christmas day. Running from house to house is fine on any other day, but I like staying home with my immediate family on that day. Sorry about the photos. Bummer. 🙁

  5. What a good looking couple you make. We celebrated with my daughter and SIL on Christmas Eve also and Christmas day was nice and quiet. We watched the biblical movies all day on Turner Classic Movies channel. My stepson is here
    with us for a week and Mr. Glen Oaks is so happy. They are doing “guy things” as I write. Glad you had such a happy Christmas.

  6. I am happy that your holidays went nicely. Sorry about the photos though but that’s the new technical age for you.
    The photo of you both here is just wonderful and it is lovely to see your faces looking so happy.
    Hugs and have a great rest of the week.

  7. Hi Katherine. So glad you were all together on Christmas Eve. It all went far too quickly really, didn’t it?! What a real shame about your photos though 🙁

  8. Beautiful picture Katherine! I am glad you had an enjoyable holiday. I spent it with my family. Today is also a holiday in Jamaica, Boxing Day. It will be another peaceful day with family. Take care and enjoy the rest of the week.

  9. Hi Katherine! It sounds as though you had a wonderful holiday. We also had a nice Christmas too. I celebrated Christmas Eve at my mom’s house with family. Then, on Christmas Day, we all went to the movies! Now I’m ready to put all the Christmas decorations away!

  10. Christmas was very different…but still good! It was our first one without everyone in the family and without a tree, but we made different memories! I always tell my kids that December 26 is the saddest day of the year!! But, I am ready to take the decor down and move on! Sorry, about your pictures…I have had that happen and it is a bummer….

  11. Our’s was quiet and laid back as there are no small children at our home, except for our baby Rocky. We did go to Linda’s sister-in-law’s house for a family gathering and meal which was good. I won’t be with my girls until the 8th of Jan. due to scheduling with them all living so far apart. Tuesday morning already and a short week at work with another long weekend ahead. So glad you had a great Christmas day and hope this week is just as great.

  12. you are looking HAPPY and wonderful!!!! i am so sorry that the camera gave you some trouble : ( glad though it is back up and running! sending you tons of hugs!!!!

  13. Katherine, my wife and I had a peaceful Christmas just like yours. My wife tends to get me a couple big items and I get her a lot of little things, because that’s what make us happy! Sorry about your photos. I take blurry shots as well.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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