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  1. oh my… they look so yummy! i think i may make some for breakfast tomorrow morning! thanks for the inspiration – you are wonderful, katherine!!!! hope your Christmas was wonderful! it’s been busy around here — children home for 2 weeks so we are just “playing!” 🙂

  2. I would love to have one of those. They look so good and so filled with berries.
    They remind me of my grandfather. He loved them and would love it when my mother would bake them for him fresh.

  3. OOOH, love blueberry muffins! I made some last week and they were just the perfect thing to warm my tummy! Happy Wednesday to you! xo

  4. YUMMY!!!! could go for one RIGHT now with my hot second cup of coffee!!!! : ) ah that would be nice…i can smell it now! sending morning hugs and wishes for a picture perfect day!!!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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