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  1. Pingback: show & tell no. 12 - Mrs. Hines Class
  2. Beautiful image! Thank you.

    I am actually coming to your site from the FOLLOWER linky blog hop, and am following you ! 🙂 Will you follow me back?? Thank you so much when you do.

    PLUS: There is also a party on our blog, where you can feature ‘your best creative work’. There are some great projects to see already, but we want to see your work!

    Use this link both to FOLLOW and to PARTY:

    Hope to seeing you around!!
    Have a happy, creative day!

  3. thank you for putting center in my day with an ahhhhhhh moment…this post is like a hot cup of the perfect tea — just like your friendship…(hugs)

Love each other as God loves you xo

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