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  1. I love how you can put things together in a photo and make them look so pretty! Thanks…those of us who can’t do this really appreciate those of you who can!
    GraceinAZ (Pat)

  2. What sweet treasures you have shown to us today – very pretty and feminine! I do pray that Izzy will be feeling better very soon, as I can imagine how worrying it must be for you. Hugs.

  3. Love you, your blog and even your poor little puppy!!! Cheer up, Katie!! He will be fine and so will you. I think you are both extremely resiliant! Love the photo!! The pearls were a beautiful touch!
    Your Friend, Theresa. xoxo

  4. What sweet treasures you have shared here! I always love the way you arrange your things in such a flattering way! Big hugs, xoxo

  5. Aaww, I hope he’ll be okay soon, he looks so cute and adorable!
    Really like the pearl necklace by the way, great photo. Wishing you and your pup good wishes for the rest of the week 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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