thursday blog hop

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  1. Just hopping by! I posted a picture from our camp up in the Adirondacks. Lovely to be off the grid! but hard to blog … so forgive any delay in answering people back 🙂

  2. Thanks so much for hosting. Please don’t let me forget to come back for your paparazzi party– sounds like fun.


  3. Hi Katie – I know it’s been a while- but I wanted to let you know that Lorelai is home from the hospital (10 days in the NICU in Orlando) and is doing so much better. Thank you so much for the prayers and thoughts as we went through this with the new baby – they were much appreciated! (God is so good!) I’ll be back posting soon, but if you would like to stop by my blog I have a picture of Lorelai posted. Thanks again Katie – I can’t tell you how much the family needed those prayers!
    Hugs –
    Carol (aka Nana)

  4. Hi Katherine! SO many favorite things this week – and many joyful treasures. Thanks so much for hosting – always fun to consider what favorite thing to share . . .

  5. Now I am excited about your party tomorrow … Hopefully I would remember to come back tomorrow! –Oh .. I would love to be your co-host, please let me know what should I do.

  6. Good morning my dear friend . . . . . busy working on the July issue of the Ruby magazine but wanted to pop in to join the fun today. Hope you are doing well and that you are having a joyous summer. Much love, N

  7. Goodmorning

    Happy Thursday , girl it is going to be 106 here this afternoon and don’t know what the heat index will be ( 120 )?

    I am thinking about all the people and animals in the fires in Colorado, so sad and scary for everyone

  8. Hope your week is going well Katherine! So hot here but thankful there are no fires in our area of Colorado though close enough.
    Thank you for the party!


  9. Hi Katherine! Very happy to be co-hosting this week with you 🙂 Here’s to a fabulous Thursday hop and an even better weekend! Cheers xo

  10. Hi Katherine,
    Thursday again – Yay! Great to visit your blog hop this week too. Have so many entries I want to share with world… but I can’t see the ones I inked up. Maybe I linked up too many lol – an overload 😀
    Anyway, have a lovely day!
    Greetings from Australia♥

Love each other as God loves you xo

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