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  1. These biscuits look amazing. My daughter loves biscuits. Thanks for stopping by my blog and being my first Linky…that was such a nice surprise when I stopped in just now since I just joined a couple of hours ago! Fun!

  2. This looks so good, I may try it tommorow if I get up early enough. I love eggs but usually eat oatmeal during the week. Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day. I missed the giveaway but it was still good to come check in on your blog.

  3. Mmmm, in answer to your question, slathered with butter and dolloped with my home-made muscadine grape jelly! The best Southern recipe ever!! LOL Thanks for sharing this with us!

  4. I’m sitting here salivating and envisioning that I’d be eating these biscuits filled with a nice thick piece of country ham! Yum… Makes you wonder why any one would bake up the stuff from a can, doesn’t it?
    ~ Sue

  5. Hi Katherine, those biscuits looks so yunmmy! I had a question for you. Who did your migration from blogger to wp and do you recommend them? If you don’t then actually I don’t want their info!! If you did like him/her please share that with me. Thanks!!

  6. Hi Katie, thanks for visiting my blog so that I could find you!
    We cook these in Australia too only we call them ‘scones’ – they are also delicious if you make them with buttermilk instead of milk. We tend to eat them as they do in England for afternoon or morning tea rather than breakfast but sometimes we have them with melted cheese on top. Delicious with soup for an easy lunch or dinner!
    xox Kerry

  7. Found you through the new linky followers blog hop…and now I’m craving biscuits. I’m so happy to be your newest follower, it would be great if you follow me back. 🙂

    And, on Friday I’ll be hosting a “What does your blog want to be when it grows up” blog hop with a few of my blog buddies … have you thought of your blog’s hopes and dreams?

    Please check it out here…


Love each other as God loves you xo

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