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  1. I really like the Locket for Bouquet | Dad Bouquet Locket | In Memory of Dad Locket | Brides Bouquet Locket. This would be perfect for the bride who has lost her Dad.

  2. I’m a couple days late, but didn’t forget…to wish you a very HaPPy BirTHdaY!! I hope it was a fantastic celebration with hubby and you and have a wonderful November, too! ❤️

  3. On your Etsy shop I really liked the Anti Stress Flipping Beads | Labradorite Fidget Beads | Stress Relief Flipping Beads | Prayer Beads | Meditation Beads. I can see that being very useful and calming in everyday life.

  4. On the Etsy page, I liked the Sterling Silver Cubic Zirconia Teardrop Pendant Necklace| Crystal Teardrop Necklace | Sparkling CZ’s Necklace! It is so beautiful.

  5. 61 years is my dear youngest sister’s birthday also. I feel very sensitive about PEARLS as my gift guess.

  6. Happy Birthday to you,, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Sweet Katherine, happy birthday to you!
    May Our Dear Lord Jesus Bless You abundantly!

  7. Oh my I am terrible guesser. Lol
    Maybe an Amazon gift card or a HC to shop your site?
    Anyway best of best birthday happiness.
    floridagld yahoo dot com.

  8. The thing I liked most on the Keepsakes by Katherine page is the Brides Bouquet Photo Locket. My, you do such beautiful work! I didn’t know about your Etsy shop until now. I am so behind in my blog reading, I don’t think I will ever catch up.

    1. Thank you Cheryl, it is my passion (smile) It’s such a joy to create something to allow a friend or loved one who has passed on, or can’t attend the wedding, to be there. Hugs!

  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, sweet friend! May God bless your day with many unexpected, pleasant surprises, and may He bless you with a wonderful year ahead. I think the surprise giveaway is a gift card. Thank you for the opportunity to enter! Many blessings to you.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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