Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop Linky Party 25
Wow, this is the 25th week we have had this wonderful Blog hop. I’m so Happy!
Lori from La Las Home Daycare is my co-host today!
Please let me know if you would like to co-host. I love to have a co-host every week.
About the Thursdays Favorite Things Hop, this hop is where you can link your favorite post or write a post about your favorite things and share with old and new followers!
- You must follow Katherines Corner through Email, Linky Followers, Google Plus or RSS and today’s co-host La La’s Home Daycare If you’re a new follower, please let us know
- Please leave a comment so we know that you stopped by.
- No adult content blogs.
- Blogs only please.
- Follow as many other blogs in the list as you can. Just click and go.
- Please leave a sincere comment or message on each of the blogs you visit.
Now hop on. and lets share our favorites. If you’d like to post this blog hop on your page please just grab the linky code . Or if you would like to be a co-host please contact me

Hi Katherine, I am a new follower and linking up to your hop. Hope you can stop by, would love to have you as a follower. Laura
hi there! just wanted to let you know that i am deleting the new linky follower tool from my side bar. Please make sure you are a follower of Fishtail Cottage using Google…(you can read about it here!)
Thanks so much for hosting! Have a wonderful weekend!
Hugs –
I have come to visit and post my link, and just wanted to give you a wink. I thank you for hosting your weekly hop, I enjoy your blog and wont stop, I will now continue to do the hop!! Your friend from @Oh! My Heartsie
Hi Katherine, Thanks for your give away and thanks for hosting this blog party. Have a wonderful weekend. Joyous Wishes, Linda
This week, my favorite THINGS are Clive Owen and Russell Crowe;)
Hi Katherine,
I just am so thankful for your hop that you are hosting here. You have a very beautiful blog, and I can’t wait to dig into all those links!
Thanks for the party! laura
Hi Katherine-so happy to link up again and seeing all the lovely links. Thanks for hosting:DDD
Hi Katherine! Thanks for the invitation. Your website is beautiful. I really like that your Favorite Things has images + links. I look forward to visiting other blogs and returning to future “Hops”.
Hi Katie – Glad to be back with my Springtime Tiered Terra Cotta Planter. Thanks for the par-tay!
So happy you told me about your blog hop! I’m so happy to join and would love to co-host one week. I’m looking forward to linking up to some great new blogs!
Happy Thursday!
Thank-you for hosting. I’m enJOYing seeing the spring/summer ideas coming out.
I am just loving your party. Thanks for hosting, I am all linked up.
I always feel so welcomed here! Thanks for hosting!
Hi lovely lady.
Katherine, Thanks so much for Hosting your sweet party.
XXOO Diane
Thanks for the opportunity to link up! Don’t forget my Giveaway Jubilee! It starts today and goes on all week long 🙂
Thank you for hosting. Love to see many creative blogs.
How fun, I always look forward to your Thursday blog hop 😀 Thanks for hosting!
Always fun to see what everyone else is doing when I visit your blog hop, Katherine.
🙂 Sue
Hi Katie,
It is good to be able to link up again after being offline for awhile. Have yourself a great Thursday.
Thanks Katherine for checking out my bloggy, and inviting me to this blog hop! Hope everyone else has a chance to check it out to and subscribe! Thanks for reading,
Thank you for the linky! Sorry for putting the wrong title on my linky picture. I must have just clicked the one that said linky from WW hopping. Hope you have a wonderful day and a great weekend!
My girls have their party hats on and are ready to party! Thanks for the opportunity!
My favorite linky hop! Thanks for hosting 🙂
Good morning, Katherine. We’re having yucky weather — snow and sleet — in Northern NJ today, but your Favorite Things blog hop has brightened my day. All the best!