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  1. The tulips are pretty. We have an annual tulip festival in a town about an hour away (in Iowa) and they are afraid the tulips are going to bloom too early and all be gone before Tulip Time! We have had an extremely warm winter and early spring. I hope it is soon spring for you!

  2. I’d say that 80º + weather sounds more like early summer for us~ no way it has ever been this warm in March for us before!! Hope we don’t get hit with a fluke snowstorm for Easter like we used to have in New Mexico! LOL
    I’m certainly loving this weather, as unseasonable as it is!! We had no winter except for some cold weather. Maybe 2 inches of snow period!!!! Weird….

  3. I can’t believe how early spring came here in SC! Lovely warm weather and blooms everywhere! Hang in there, girl, it will make its way to Utah!! LOL

  4. We are definitely having spring weather here, and even though it is gorgeous, I hope it does not mean we are going to have an early and extremely hot summer. Spring is my favorite season, and summer is my least favorite.

  5. Your pictures are beautiful, thank you for a little bit of spring. We had gorgeous weather, then it turned rainy, then nice again today, and more rain expected. It will get here for good:-)

  6. Here in southern AZ we welcomed spring with snow and hail!! LOL

    Thank you for stopping by my site, and “Linking” up. I am following you back.

  7. Hey! I have no idea why the emails are bouncing back to you because I know nothing about such things. LOL But I did see your comment and I would like to co-host next Thursday. I’m going to try and subscribe again to your newsletter thingy and maybe that will help.

  8. Yes we are having Spring weather, frankly I’d rather have the snow. I guess I know that after Spring comes the hot summer. I’m from Texas and we had the hottest and driest summer ever last year. Hopefully it will be a little more bearable this year. Wishing Spring to arrive in your neck of the woods soon. I wanted to thank you for your visit and your sweet comments about our lake house. Please visit anytime!!!

  9. The tulips are beautiful and just hiding under that blanket of snow. Spring will eventually arrive your way. This is my first visit to your blog, so I took some time to browse through your earlier posts. I really I’m so glad I did that. You’ve created a great spot to visit and. I’ll definitely be back. Have a great day. Blessings…Mary

  10. We are having a bit of winter this week, just to remind us of what we mostly missed in Jan & Feb! But, it is supposed to be Spring again by the end of the week! Yippee~ I prefer warm to cold.
    Hugs, GraceinAZ

  11. Actually it feels almost like the beginning of summer here in Ohio. Yesterday we had 75 degree weather and they are calling for 80 degrees today! Shockingly warm this season. I think we are breaking some weather records.

    Everything is blooming and releasing buds, so we have to hope that the weather doesn’t revert back to being cold so that it all survives.

  12. Hi Katherine. Well, signs of spring are appearing all over the place here in England, but it is still so very chilly at the moment! I just wish it would hurry up and warm up a bit, but I guess it is only March.

  13. That snow looks refreshing, Katie. I’d like to trade places with you for a while. Here in Florida spring came and went very quickly. The heat is on and so are air conditioners, working overtime to keep room temperatures under control. “Be careful what you wish for, ” a wise man once said. Have a wonderful day, dear friend!

  14. Spring weather???? Not quite, we are in Autumn mode Down Under!!!! But nobody told Summer that its time was up so the heat is still upon us…..maybe next week the temps may drop slightly, well enough at least to think about winter sewing….

Love each other as God loves you xo

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