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  1. These cupcakes look scrumptious. I love strawberry icing with vanilla cake.
    Thanks for linking up at Show & Tell.

    Sharon @ mrs. hines class

  2. Thanks for stopping by with your comment, and I love that you are proud of me. Makes me happy… Sorry to hear about your daughter, hope she’s feeling a lot better.


  3. Hey Katherine, Katherine’s Corner is my blog of the week. You can see the link on my sidebar as blog of the week and my the ranch’s FB page.

  4. Oh my….those look so good. I feel I should make cupcakes today as I have been craving ones with ganache for days. I was thinking chocolate, but those strawberry ones look too good. Perhaps both!

  5. Very pretty, Katie, but I no longer eat sweets. However, I’ve been eating fresh strawberries by the dozen for the last couple of months. There’s an annual Strawberry Festival in Plant City, close to where I live. Happy WW to you, dear friend!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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