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  1. I love bread….especially the hot, hard crusty right out of the oven bread….but alas, as you said…the carbs…!!…I have cut the bad carbs during the week and treat myself to a great piece of bread on the weekend…I can smell the bread thru the screen! Yum!!

  2. Oh how we miss our bread being on a low carbs diet. My husband more than me! However there is an item called Carbquick that I can make biscuits with and also an item called Carb Smart #1 which has only one carb per slice so sometimes we are able to enjoy a grilled cheese sandwich. The hardest thing is that our summer vacation is built around a bakery with the best bread around!

  3. Katherine
    I made the majority of our bread. If I make it I tend to eat it. I love the heartiness and flavor of homemade bread.
    I let my bread machine do the mixing and rising. I do the forming or bun making, let it rise again and bake.

    Thank You for stopping in at my blog!

  4. Carbs…bread…carbs – my downfall! I love bread of all sorts! Especially right out of the oven bread with butter slathered all over it!
    Hugs, GraceinAZ

  5. Bread is a staple in our home. So much so that I have recently started baking it here. I have not perfected it yet, but will keep trying til I do! My hubby and daughter have been blessed with a metabolism that never quits so they can put it away and never gain a pound. I just eat less but savor every bite! 🙂 Love the pics and the topic!

  6. Hi Katherine,

    So many great topics here. Love hearing about the moments. Thanks for stopping by my site and following. I don’t have google+. Is there a way to follow you with GFC? I’ll be back. I want to read more. Hope you’ll stop by again too.


  7. Wow. I really enjoy bread but tend to have it minimally because it adds pounds. I love french bread.

  8. Hi Katherine,

    I’m all for bread right out of the oven with garlic butter – yum! Sounds like you have been busy making delicious croissants too.

  9. I love all kinds of bread, Katie, and yet I have all but eliminated it from my diet. I used to eat a sandwich for lunch most days but lately have been eating a salad (w/o dressing) instead. One or two cups of green tea per day are essential. Happy Tuesday to you, dear friend!

  10. This post did make me smile my friend. . I know what you mean about our middles though! Hee Hee! I’m afraid I just love bread, and croissants. Like you, I try very hard to just make these things a weekend treat. Crumbs, (!!) we’ve just got to have some treats in life, haven’t we?! Whenever we go to a restaurant, I always ask for the bread, and my family say, “take it away from her, she won’t eat her meal.!” (But I do, of course). Loved this post, but then I love all posts about food! Hugs.

  11. As a carboholic, I love bread and my way past menopause body shows the effects of all the breads and carbs and sweets…

  12. warm bread… yummmmmm…. and some butter to spread all over! YIKES! bread is a bit hit at out house and we try to not have it too often… but darn it, it’s sooooo good!!! We love all kinds of bread – but my favorite is french bread hot out of the oven… from the market! i used to bake fresh bread – before we had 3 children. 😉
    your post is making me hungry and it’s 1:15 am! i’d better stop getting distracted and get back to my editing!
    have a great week Katherine! 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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