talking to angels, angel wings

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  1. Wow! How did you handle that at 10? My sister has some intuition on things like that. Looking forward to hearing more from you. ((HUGS))

  2. Wow-That must have been so traumatic for you at that age! I think it’s very interesting to hear personal tidbits like this! Please keep sharing!

  3. No not too much information in the least. Sharing life stories like this remind all of us there is more to life than the tangible, now.
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  4. Hello Katherine, Thanks for sharing your beautiful story. Too bad your school and the adults there at the time were not more sensitive to the needs of the children in her classroom. Joyous Wishes, Linda

  5. Definitely not TMI….such a sad story, but a remarkable instance of how we are so receptive to heavenly influences and messages when we are young, but we grow colder to those things sometimes as we (we think) mature. It sounds as if God gave you a real gift – it comforted you, I’m sure, to know that an angel told you — so you knew your teacher was in His care, and one day you would see her again.
    Your sister in Christ,

  6. I love this post! I have had similar experiences but the only people I talk about them with are my family and close friends, I love that you have shared this experience 🙂

  7. No…this was not too much info…but a touching story of the power and influence some teachers have in the lives of their students. How sad that others did not get to know her….never apologize for sharing your life, Katie…you never know who it might touch.

  8. Hi, Katie
    I loved the Tidbit you shared this morning. Then again, I always do. You know I think this is the first time I read your “about me”. We’ve said many times that we were kindred spirits or so much alike..It wasn’t until just now, that I realized how much we are alike. Other than your extensive travel, your bio could have been mine, atleast about 85% of it… Isn’t that wonderful? By the way, I have an Angel collection, and I too am a child of Christ.
    Your Sister in Christ, Your friend on earth,

  9. OMG, Katherine. I’m so glad to hear that this happens to other people. It has happened to me half a dozen times in my life. The first time, I was in 3rd grade. I woke up crying and told my parents that Grandpa visited me in my sleep and told me he was going to heaven. This was very unexpected as he was only 59. He asked me to take care of Grandma. My parents calmed my fears and told me Grandpa was fine. While we were talking, we got a call from the hospital that he had passed away during the night while he was making rounds with his patients. At that age, it scared me to death. Now, I’ve come to accept it and when it happens, I see it as a gift. Thanks so much for sharing!

  10. I believe in angels. Loved ones and those who made an impact or touched our hearts in some way never truly leave us alone. I believe that with all my heart. Thanks for sharing. xo

  11. Haven’t lost me. It’s so funny because I was thinking about sharing some stories of like kind on my blog and was unsure about it. Maybe you had a message for me today. I look forward to hearing more of your stories. Donna

  12. This gives me goosebumps. I hope it was somehow calming through all of the heartbreak to know that an angel had told you first.
    Hugs, GraceinAZ (Pat)

  13. I think of that as night sight, or twilight sight… the times when one is open and receptive. That must have been quite traumatic for someone so young.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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