Tid Bit Tuesday blog series

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  1. Love all your looks. I have changed my colour and style many times. Maybe too many times. But my hair being natural curly I find it much easier to keep it short.
    This month I’m blonde. I have been black,chestnut brown,red, auburn. Oh yeh I changed my hair to pink to match a Easter outfit when I was 18.
    My hair has been long and curly, long and straight, short and straight.
    Thanks for all the many looks Katherine and have a great day!

  2. You look gorgeous at 6.30 in the morning!! I would never, ever, EVER post a picture of myself at 6.30 in the morning. I’ve had a bit of a hair crisis for a while now, it just never does what I want it to do 🙂
    Love all of your beautiful photo’s with all the different hair styles, you look great in every single one of them.
    Thanks for visiting my blog today, have a wonderful day!

  3. I’ve never heard the term “Grandma Crinkles” before! I think that’s kinda cute. Well, I enjoyed seeing your various hairstyles over the years. I’ve had some similar ones myself. Thanks for the retrospective!

  4. You look great Katherine, you are such a beautiful person inside and out. Like the others said, I wish I look that good at 6:30 in the morning. I love your hair.
    I was hating my hair about two weeks ago, but now I just dislike it a little bit. 🙂
    I have naturally curly, thick hair that I have let go to its natural color of gray. Some people think I am blonde. I don’t understand that one. Anyway, I have two cowlicks in the front on either side of my center part. I was in tears trying to get rid of them. Now, after my hairdresser tried a different style on me, I can live with the cowlicks.

  5. Oh, I love your blonde and red hair styles! I have fine, thin hair that doesn’t look good long and I am tired of it short. I perm it and some days I look like the little ol’ lady that I am and I wish I had a beautiful, thick head of hair that I could swirl around like those gals on shampoo commercials. Then I look at a photo of my friend, Anna, who has lost her hair to chemo and I know I am blessed to have what I have.
    Hugs, GraceinAZ (Pat)

  6. You look amazing for 6:30 am. Most of my life especially now I have been so in love with my hair., natural blonde and long waist lenght hair I have nothing to complain about. I gained a ton of body and natural wave after menopause. After I discovered the flat irons I figured out I can have a wave or a straight day. Also try the flat iron turning it in for a natural flip at the bottom. Works great. Your hair looks amazing, I like the natural grey highlights!

  7. Loved my hair when I was young. Long and blonde. Now I never seem happy with it. I like your photo with the short haircut. Reminds me of Princess Diana.
    Also, your morning photo is lovely!!!

  8. How funny you post this today:) I have rescheduled my hair appointment three times, so I am kinda shaggy looking right now but great news I have an appointment I will be able to keep this afternoon:) So this bad hair day will turn into a good hair day:)

    1. By the way you are gorgeous with red hair, as a blond or brunette with mature highlights:) What fun you have had over the years with different looks. Love seeing these:)

  9. Oh Kathy! 6:30 in the a.m. is way too early to be humorous! LOL! MY hair is standing straight up at this point today. Worse than ‘hat hair’…’pillow hair’. Most days I like my hair. BUT I did originally go with this very short style thinking it would be easier to do. WRONG! When it was ‘so very long’ it was much simpler. Product is a mainstay, not to mention COLOR! I decided that I wasn’t as fond of the ‘natural’ highlights that had shown up in the front of my hair. LOL! Actually, kept them for quite a long time. In person, they looked fine; BUT in photos that was all I could see. I guess the flash made them stand out. PLUS, my sisters seem to have ‘lost’ all their ‘naturals’ also and just made mine look even more obvious! Couldn’t have that. So, not only are the ‘naturals’ gone, this summer I had Jodi reach way back to the 70’s and grab some of my long, lost blonde bits and put some little pieces back in to my style. Now off to wash it and start anew! Have a great day, my friend!

  10. I’m used to finding treats on your blog, Katie, and this is the best yet. It’s a pleasure to view pictures of you then and now. I see a very cute Katie at every stage regardless of hair color and style. Have you ever seen the early 80s Nicholas Cage movie Valley Girl? In your 1980 picture you very much resemble his leading lady Deborah Foreman. Do you agree?


    How’s Izzy doing? Have a happy Tuesday, dear friend!

  11. Everyday is a bad hair day for me! I was so annoyed with my waist length frizz the other day, I washed it, put it in a ponytail, stuck an elastic band below the ponytail band and told hubby to cut it… QUICK… before I changed my mind!

  12. I wish I looked that good at 6.30 in the morning. I have thick curly hair. It takes a lot of product to keep it from turning into an afro during the day. I was born with a grey patch, I think the patch is spreading, lucky there’s hair dye! I’ll have to watch that movie 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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