the skin im in

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  2. This was amazing. Funny, yet profound and written with an honesty only maturity can bring. I am so in the same boat. Always wondering if I should fill something or lift something else and always deciding that for a woman over 60 I am doing okay. I keep reminding myself that the judgmental ones will one day be in this same place if they are blessed with longevity. #livelife

    1. thank you, my friend. I don’t think I’ll try any of it. But I think it might be time to change my hairstyle. I don’t know why on earth people seek out and insult others. It’s a good thing we have thick skin ( wink) xo

  3. I am posting on this one since the giveaway (I think it was one) is long over.
    I am well over 50 now… and there are days I wake up and look in the mirror and wonder who hat is looking back. I mean, I have aches and pains I didn have before, but inside it’s still me. I wonder sometimes if my husband still sees the 20 year old?

    1. Ellen, thank you. You can always find active giveaways on the giveaway page. I know ageing is tough and I try and stay positive. The alternative is worse, wink. I would guess your hubby doesn’t see the 20 year old you. Wait..let me explain… he sees you, the woman he loves, his beautiful loving wonderful wife, the beauty he married, the beautiful person you are and the beautiful woman he loves and sees every day. Love sees no age. xo

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  5. I am in my early 30’s and losing that youthful look I always had. Gah! Its so sad and Im not going to lie it puts me into panic mode sometimes!

  6. I surround myself with women who are happy in their own skin. They’re active, intelligent, funny and wise. This is one of the best antidotes for aging fear. And I avoid reading any of the beauty/fashion magazines. The ads seem designed to make older women feel lousy about themselves. Great post, Katherine! Hugs your way!

  7. I just turned 40 this year and I have to agree that it is hard to look in the mirror and see new wrinkles, etc. I think women are so hard on themselves in general!


  8. I love toys thoughts about aging here and will admit I turned 40 this year and for the first time ever had some of my own doubts and insecurities about aging, too. So, it is nice to read what others are feeling and appreciate you sharing with all of us here those thoughts and feelings. Hugs and hoping you are having a good week so far xoxo <3

  9. I wished for a new pair of earrings. The older I get, the less I need. I look forward to my annual birthday tradition of going out with hubby, buying a pair of earrings (supporting local artisans), and a simple, nice lunch out. Yesterday was my birthday!

  10. I think women in general worry about our outward appearance far more than our moms did. It’s the nature of the society we live. I agree that a good skincare routine is a must from tween age on. By the way, I agree with your family. I think you are a beautiful lady.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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