thursday blog hop

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  1. Pingback: Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop | Forever In Him Ministries
  2. Thanks for hostessing another great party – lots of great links, I’m off to visit some of them now. Hugs ~ Mary

  3. Hi Katherine! I linked up although it doesn’t show up. I tried re-linking, but it gave me a message that the link had been accepted already. Hope you don’t mind my giveaway post. The item is just so cute I want everyone to see it! If it doesn’t meet your criteria, please delete if it every show up.

    Thanks for being a most gracious hostess!

  4. Soooo many blogs to check out as usual!!! Thanks so much for hosting. I have a new blog party called the “No Rules Blog Party” and would LOVE for you to link up!!

    Have a great weekend 🙂

  5. I am a first time visitor and now a new follower as of today through email:) Your blog is very whimsical and I love it. I really adore your yellow flowers with the lemons in the water in your header…must try that. I hope you can come by and visit/follow my blog too. Would love to be friends.

  6. Hello again
    I can’t believe it’s time to visit you again this week has really been fun filled with treasure shopping and this heat is killing me
    thanks for having the party every week so we can see what each other has been up to

    It is sprinkling here first rain since April at my house

  7. OK…I’m a “follower” and have added the link to my blog, but I can’t figure out how to ad the list…get into the inner workings of my blog and all (bleh!!). I’m just not a “tech savvy” person. HOWEVER, I DO like to read and write so that’s why I’m here! Happy “Blog Hopping” everyone…

  8. Thanks for hosting another great party:) I added my post of again receiving a versatile blogger award and showed the picture of Emily, such a sweet young lady that I just know you would love. Of course I also linked up other favorite posts of mine:)

  9. Thanks for hosting such a lovely party, Katherine. I hope that you have a lovely day and rest of the week.

    Erin @ Chronic Christian Crafter

  10. Wow, the timing has worked well for me today! I can’t believe I’ve made it here so early-I’m normally one of the last to link up!

    Thanks for having me. Have a great Thursday.

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  11. Sending MORNING ((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))))) let’s HOP to it : ) LOL!!!! hugs to Izzy! : )

  12. Hi Katherine, thanks for the blog hop this week. Clicked the wrong button for image upload (ahum..fairly new to this). I’ve added your button to my blog as I’m a real fan 🙂
    I look forward ‘hopping’ around some of the other great blogs.
    Wishing you a fabulous Thursday 🙂 X0

Love each other as God loves you xo

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