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  1. So sorry to hear you’ve been laid up. I’ve been dealing with some stresses and strains that got in the way of my beloved writing & blogging. Signed onto my site for the first time in a month and saw your comment. You are a true sweet heart. Thank you for checking up on me. Feel better, darlin!

  2. I too am sorry about your back trouble knowing that when your back is hurting it affects your whole body. I hope you are back to normal very quickly. Don’t know what you are taking but when I have pains that may be nerve related a drug called Gabapentin makes it go away almost the same day. It was good stuff for me.

  3. Oh goodness I hope your feeling better soon!
    Thank you for taking the time to link up with my NO RULES Weekend Blog Party!


  4. So sorry to hear you hurt your back. I can speak from experience – don’t lay around too long. I know it hurts to get up and to move, but you actually need to do so more than lying down. Do some gentle stretches as well. xoxo

  5. Oh, how I know what you are going through. I have to baby my own back- I seem to always be throwing it out or straining it. Hope yours heals quickly. Don’t over- take it easy.

  6. Dear Katie, so sorry to hear that you are in pain like that. I do hope you will soon feel much better. Sending gentle hugs to you from across the pond x

  7. Katherine,

    I’m so sorry about your back. I’ve recently had a horrible pain that ran down the middle of my derriere and down my leg which I think is my sciatic nerve. I sat on a heating pad for several days and took tylenol too. Its better but I’m still sitting on a heating pad, the only thing that seems to help. I feel your pain!!!

    Take care!

  8. Aw, I’m so sorry!
    Hey, no need to answer my comment – that would mean more time at the computer chair . . . sure hope you feel better soon. What a sweetie your hubby is to take such good care of you! 🙂

  9. Katherine, I feel your pain! My back went out for the first time a couple weeks ago, and it was NOT fun! Take it easy, and get better soon 🙂

  10. I am sorry about the injury and ugh! the pain—-Maybe sneak in some ice packs to help with that–Be well soon!

  11. I hope you get better soon, I know back pain can be debilitating but some rest always help. We had soccer, playdates and birthdays. I am exhausted!

  12. I’m so sorry to learn that you injured your back, dear Katie! Please take it easy and don’t push yourself too much so that you can ensure a complete recovery. I’ll be thinking about you!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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