Tea Time
It’s Tid Bit Tuesday and today’s share is probably already known by some of you. I drink tea. I think it’s in my blood.
Being from England, we start drinking tea when we are quite young ( usually with lots of milk). I now drink decaffeinated tea ( Doctors orders). But it is tea just without the jitters I drink Lipton tea, it’s a simple orange pekoe and black tea blend that taste divine. I used to drink Earl Grey tea and a variety of proper English teas. But I can only indulge in those if they have no caffeine.
Every morning I put the kettle on the stove and wait for the whistle. Making the perfect cup of tea is easy using a tea bag. Just place the tea bag in the cup and pour the hot water over the tea bag then and then let it sit for about 2 minutes ( longer if you like it stronger Making tea with a tea ball ( tea infuser) is just as easy. General rule is one teaspoon of loose leaf tea per 8 ounce cup. Place the tea in the tea ball ( infuser) and pour your hot water over the tea ball ( keep it submerged) let it steep for about 3 minutes ( longer if you like it stronger. I drink my tea in one of my pretty cups or mugs and then day officially begins.
I also enjoy iced tea ( Lipton decaffeinated green tea) but usually only in the summer months.
note- you will never find me drinking tea with the tea bag hanging out, no, no no…giggle.
Are you a tea drinker?
linking to-Cowgirl Up, Tuesday Cuppa Tea,
Katherine, yes, I am a tea drinker! When I saw “tea drinker” in your “About,” I had to do a search and look for tea posts. Tea has been my beverage of choice since about age two (English on my mother’s side!), sometimes plain, sometimes with just a splash of 2% milk, no sugar. The caffeine in tea does not bother me at all, but a single small cup of coffee does terrible things to me!
I adore tea … I especially like loose leaf teas, and have several different types of infusers. Because I also love the ‘gadgetry’ of tea time! Earl Grey is a long time favorite of mine, but I like to try new things, too. And new gadgets!!
I haven’t been much of a tea or coffee drinker at all. When I do have tea I do like some cream in it. My favorite has always been Constant Comment. My father drinks several cups of Lipton each day.
So, you must educate me. Is it in bad form to leave the bag in the cup and sip? I find I usually drink my tea before it gets too strong and I suppose it’s just laziness or impatience that I don’t pull it out after a couple of minutes. I’ve always wondered if it was bad form and should never do it if I were sipping with the…let’s say…the Queen.
Wonderful! I drink tea every day! I love iced tea throughout the day, and warm tea at night!
I enjoyed seeing your teacup and the peony – pretty picture. I like tea and coffee both and my day starts with one or the other.
I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award.
What is this, what is this?! You’re from England?? You kept that a secret! How long have you been living in America my friend? A long time I suspect. Yes, afternoon tea is a must over here!!!!
Yes I love tea… Alas, I do use tea bagged tea…. But hey I do pop, pop corn from scratch :o)
Have a great day.
Always Queenie
I love iced tea anytime of the year but I’m not much on hot tea. Although, I have a friend who is from South Africa who drinks copiously amounts of hot day throughout the day. When I would visit, I would drink hot tea with her as she did know how to make a proper cup of tea. I remember drinking a cup of rooibos tea and really liking it. One cup was enough though as it had a very distinct taste. It was different! I also like Earl Grey and have to drink decaf tea now too.
I wish I liked tea-I’ve tried-but it’s never taken. I’m a coffee addict-and the weird thing is, I didn’t even start drinking it until my 30’s! (I have my hubby to blame for getting me hooked!
I start my morning the same way, with decaffeinated tea. Lipton’s or Tetley’s. It’s like a drug, gets me going with my writing. Kindred spirits, huh?
Yup… I love me a cuppa tea! But I stopped drinking regular caffeinated tea years ago and now I drink Rooibos tea with honey which is delicious (it has no caffeine and no tannin). I also love herbal tea – green tea, mint tea etc.
In fact, I haven’t had one today… I’m off to put the kettle on!
Hiya! I, too was brought up on tea and having married a Brit as well as being from a Brit family…we drink gallons of tea! We must be brown inside like the insides of our teapots! LOL! Thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!
I love iced tea! .. and sometimes I get different flavored teas when they are available at Restaurants or Convenience stores.
And, I also enjoy the “single packs” of tea, that you can just carry with you for bottled water ( or add to a glass of water )
Have a wonderful Tuesday!
Yep, definitely a tea drinker too! I have loved green tea for years now, but we went to Ireland on our honeymoon and ever since then it’s Irish breakfast tea with milk, or some other black or red tea with milk. Yum!
Love tea…hot or cold…really love a great cup in the afternoon..so relaxing and soothing to me….What is that magazine you are reading?….looks interesting!!
Such a cute little tea cup you have. Love the little butterfly handle.
I’m more keen in drinking iced / sun tea when it’s so hot outside here in the summer time inTexas. Otherwise I’m more of a coffee drinker
I’m a tea addict. I love the cup with the butterfly handle. How lovely!
I like tea too, specially some “sweet tea” like some call it here on the south. But being from Colombia my first love is Colombian coffee. We also start to drink coffee with lots of milk when we are very young.
I’m absolutely a tea drinker…only hot tea though! I started drinking hot tea as a young girl when my classical piano teacher would serve it to me on my weekly Saturday morning lesson day. And like you, I always have my tea in a tea cup! And no bags or tags hanging from it either.
I am a morning coffee drinker and occasionally an afternoon or evening tea drinker…love this sweet tea cup!
yes, i love Lipton Tea too but usually am more keen to coffee
Yes, I am a tea drinker in recent years, Katie. I drink one, sometimes two cups of green tea per day. Have a wonderful Tuesday, dear friend!
I’m having some right now… iced.
That’s my main beverage and I’m in agreement with you on the “no bag and tag.” }b