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  1. Hi there,
    Just stopping over from the Harvest of Friends blog hop! So glad I came across your blog. Now following you on Twitter and Facebook! If you have a moment to follow back, you can find me at Thanks!
    Corinna from The Sweet Spot Blog

  2. Can I bring my kids over to that picture so we can build a snow family? *LOL* It’s been years since we had that much snow…:/

    Visiting from the WW group at vB. :O) Happy New Year!

  3. Gorgeous photo.
    We started out with rain – 1 1/2 inches then went to hail and then sleet and then onto snow and freezing temperatures. So Texas had alittle bit of everything here yesterday.
    Stayed in all day where it was nice and warm.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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