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  1. Looks good and creamy!! My husband will love the likes of this! Oh – not this Thursday but the next I can try to host a blog hop if you want. 🙂 Have a wonderful Monday/Tuesday!

  2. I would eat ten steaming bowls of your yummy warm my tummy soup, dear Katie, but I’d probably pick out the bacon and feed it to my dog Toto because I eat very little red meat. Have a wonderful week, dear friend!

  3. Your shrimp and bacon soup looks delicious! I wish I had some right now! New follower on Bloglovin’

  4. Kathryn,

    This sounds like a warm and comforting soup. In the winter, I love soups…I just made homemade Italian soup on New Year’s Day. I could eat soup everyday and never get tired of it! 🙂

  5. This looks like a wonderful recipe!
    Im going over to look at your newest Sponsor. =)

    ( I saw on FB…that you were having internet / site issues ) hope everything is ok now!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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