thursday favorite things blog hop 186

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  4. Hey Katherine. I am one of your newer readers but I like your recipes and stuff. I am sure your story will make lots of us realize how powerful blogging can be and how much we need to take care of our readers to keep them satisfied. Have a great rest of the weekend…

  5. Hi Katherine! I was so busy when I added my link, that I forgot to leave you a “thank you” or tell you that I read your blog! Heart to heart, I’m always here reading, in case you ever wonder. What a blessing that was that her Mom reached out to you in such a wonderful way.
    My dear, I hope you’re having a marvelous weekend. God knows you deserve it!
    Hugs to you, my friend,

  6. Thank you for hosting this linky! I have shared my DIY Neon Invitations and Experience is Simply the Name We Give our Mistakes printable.

  7. Thanks so much for hosting, ladies, and Katherine…it has been such a long time since I’ve linked up (I was out of the loop again for a while) but I absolutely love your new design (new to me anyway). I hope all is well with you and yours. hugs, mb

Love each other as God loves you xo

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