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  1. †his project is soooooo adorable! I LOVE IT!!!! You rock my friend…sending you and yours and of course Mr. IZZY tons of hugs and love!

  2. I love it. I think we’re all getting crafty for Valentines. I am seeing a mantle change coming up! I love your idea. BTW thanks for coming by my blog and being my newest follower! I loved visiting you too!
    Thanks for the linky. I’ll be back.
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  3. I really enjoyed your Pink Saturday post this week!
    Thanks so much for sharing.

    I’m hosting a PINK THEMED giveaway, and I would love it if you stopped by and entered your comment for a chance to win some handmade items.
    Hope to see you there!

    Ciao bella.
    Creative Carmelina

  4. I love this! I’ve been seeing so many cute Valentine’s Day crafts, I wish that I could do all of them!
    Excited to follow along with your blog! 🙂

    xo – Cupcakes and Curves

  5. How cute! I’ve just started my decorating for Valentine’s Day. I bet my daughter would love to help with this!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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